UN bodies and European governments support Palestinian NGO that honored killer of 3 with human reading chain

“Dozens of female activists and mothers took part in a chain of readers to commemorate Martyr (Shahid) Baha Alyan, on the occasion of National Reading Day, March 8 [International Women's Day], and Mother’s Day [March 21], in the presence of the Martyr’s parents. The activity was held in Ibn Rashed square in the center of Hebron, by the Rural Women's Development Society and the Union of Working Palestinian Women's Committees, under the title ‘Do not turn me into another number, which you count today and forget tomorrow.’
The participants emphasized that the concept of reading should be rooted [in the Palestinian people] due to its significance to the national awakening, and held signs condemning the occupation’s actions and others that encourage citizens to read.”
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Jerusalem line 78 bus terror attack - On Oct. 13, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists, Baha Alyan (22) and Bilal Ghanem (23) boarded Israeli bus no. 78 in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing Israelis Chaim Haviv (78) and Alon Govberg (51),and wounding 4 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded. Two weeks after the attack on Oct. 27, a 3rd victim in the attack, Richard Lakin (76), died from his wounds.
The "Rural Women's Development Society" NGO states on its website that it "recently received funds from" three UN bodies, two European governments, and two European NGOs, which are all thereby, by proxy, honoring the terrorist who killed 3:
UNDP (The UN Development Program)
UNFPA (The UN Population Fund)
FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN)
The Spanish government via the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
The Dutch government by way of The Netherlands' Representative Office in Ramallah
The Spanish NGO Conemund and the Danish NGO Kvinfo.
[Website of RWDS, accessed April 3, 2016]
The other Palestinian NGO organizing the event in honor of murderer Alyan, the Union of Palestinian Women Committees, is supported by a British organization named The Welfare Association, which is funded by the British government's DFID (Department for International Development), among others. [Website of UPWC, accessed April 3, 2016]
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