Palestinian news agency considers PMW documentation of Palestinian incitement as Israeli incitement against the PA
Headline: "WAFA monitors the incitement and racism in the Israeli media"
"The WAFA [Palestinian] news agency monitors incitement and racism against Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli media, and following is the essence of what appeared in its reports nos. 279 and 280, which cover the period between March 4 and March 17, 2016:
[…] The Yediot Ahronot newspaper published an article by Elyakim Haetzni (a lawyer and former politician –Ed.) in which he claimed that the incitement and call for terror come, according to him, from the PA establishment.
PMW note: The quotes in the following are all from PMW exposures, click links to see originals
He said: 'Muhammad Alyan is the father of Baha Alyan who murdered 3 on a bus in Jerusalem and was shot to death. He walked along the long lines of students in Birzeit, Jerusalem and Hebron, and spoke in memory of the "Martyrs" (Shahids): "We are a people that loves life and does not want to stab, but is forced to do so in order to live." This is a violation of the penal code that determines that "Any person who publicizes a call to commit an act of violence or terrorism, or statements supporting or sympathizes with terrorism… (three dots in source) there is a true possibility that it would lead to the act… (three dots in source) shall be sentenced to five years in prison." Question: Until when will [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] vainly attempt to expel him to Gaza? Why did he not prosecute him? And like him, all those who put up mourning tents with colorful posters glorifying the Martyr [Alyan], alongside the words of praise, glorification, and encouragement of the murder of Jews that are heard there. However, to avoid failing by selectively implementing the law, it is necessary to climb higher up the ladder of leadership to the armed forces of the PA, who have recently held "military funerals" for the terrorist murderers and from there to the political leadership, and until Mahmoud Abbas. You can reach him in other ways – through Hebron for instance, where Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, has named streets after "Martyrs," in other words murderers of Jews, and the establishment of monuments to the terrorists on every street. In Hebron, the Department of Education also planted a tree, in the name of the "Minister" of education in memory of a female terrorist murderer (i.e., Kilzar Al-Uweiwi, who stabbed an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian bystander). Likewise, in a mass event in honor of the Martyrs’ families under the slogan "Loyalty to the Martyrs," the district governor of Hebron saluted "the Martyrs who watered the land with their pure blood in the name of the leadership and President Abbas," and in another Fatah mass rally he announced: "This intifada will continue, This is what the Martyrs have died for."'
Jerusalem line 78 bus terror attack - On Oct. 13, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists, Baha Alyan (22) and Bilal Ghanem (23) boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing Israelis Haviv Haim (78), Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded.
Kilzar Al-Uweiwi - 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist who stabbed an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian bystander in Hebron on Feb. 13, 2016. Al-Uweiwi was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.
"The WAFA [Palestinian] news agency monitors incitement and racism against Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli media, and following is the essence of what appeared in its reports nos. 279 and 280, which cover the period between March 4 and March 17, 2016:
[…] The Yediot Ahronot newspaper published an article by Elyakim Haetzni (a lawyer and former politician –Ed.) in which he claimed that the incitement and call for terror come, according to him, from the PA establishment.
PMW note: The quotes in the following are all from PMW exposures, click links to see originals
He said: 'Muhammad Alyan is the father of Baha Alyan who murdered 3 on a bus in Jerusalem and was shot to death. He walked along the long lines of students in Birzeit, Jerusalem and Hebron, and spoke in memory of the "Martyrs" (Shahids): "We are a people that loves life and does not want to stab, but is forced to do so in order to live." This is a violation of the penal code that determines that "Any person who publicizes a call to commit an act of violence or terrorism, or statements supporting or sympathizes with terrorism… (three dots in source) there is a true possibility that it would lead to the act… (three dots in source) shall be sentenced to five years in prison." Question: Until when will [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] vainly attempt to expel him to Gaza? Why did he not prosecute him? And like him, all those who put up mourning tents with colorful posters glorifying the Martyr [Alyan], alongside the words of praise, glorification, and encouragement of the murder of Jews that are heard there. However, to avoid failing by selectively implementing the law, it is necessary to climb higher up the ladder of leadership to the armed forces of the PA, who have recently held "military funerals" for the terrorist murderers and from there to the political leadership, and until Mahmoud Abbas. You can reach him in other ways – through Hebron for instance, where Fatah, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, has named streets after "Martyrs," in other words murderers of Jews, and the establishment of monuments to the terrorists on every street. In Hebron, the Department of Education also planted a tree, in the name of the "Minister" of education in memory of a female terrorist murderer (i.e., Kilzar Al-Uweiwi, who stabbed an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian bystander). Likewise, in a mass event in honor of the Martyrs’ families under the slogan "Loyalty to the Martyrs," the district governor of Hebron saluted "the Martyrs who watered the land with their pure blood in the name of the leadership and President Abbas," and in another Fatah mass rally he announced: "This intifada will continue, This is what the Martyrs have died for."'
Jerusalem line 78 bus terror attack - On Oct. 13, 2015, two Palestinian terrorists, Baha Alyan (22) and Bilal Ghanem (23) boarded a bus in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood with a gun and a knife and attacked passengers, killing Israelis Haviv Haim (78), Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis. Alyan was shot and killed by an Israeli security guard at the scene and Ghanem, a Hamas terrorist who served time in Israeli prison in 2013-2014, was wounded.
Kilzar Al-Uweiwi - 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist who stabbed an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian bystander in Hebron on Feb. 13, 2016. Al-Uweiwi was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.
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