PA against wheelchair accessibility for disabled at Cave of the PatriarchsThe PA is protesting Israel's plan to make the Cave of the Patriarchs wheelchair accessible and condemning it as "Judaization."Apr 27, 2020
As Israel commemorates Holocaust, PA Antisemitism thrives: Israel's "love of money" prevents them from fighting Coronavirus - says PA spokesmanAntisemitism is alive and well in the Palestinian Authority.Apr 21, 2020
PA against accessibility for the disabled, Israel's installation of elevator at Cave of Patriarchs is “Judaization” and “an attack”"The occupation government is exploiting the circumstances of the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic in order to spread its epidemic of Judaization"Apr 21, 2020
PA Antisemitism: Israel not fighting Coronavirus because “they love money” – says PA spokesman"Israel is having trouble because Israelis are not observing the preventative measures because they love money"Apr 14, 2020
Israel prefers profits to saving Israeli lives from Coronavirus - says PA Government spokesman Israel prefers profits to saving Israeli lives from Coronavirus, says PA Government spokesmanApr 5, 2020
PA rewrites Hans Christian Andersen's "It's Quite True" - the making of a Corona fairy taleHow the PA turned one spit on the ground into a deliberate Israeli plot to infect Palestinians with Coronavirus and “get rid” of all Palestinians.Apr 2, 2020
PA and Fatah libel: Israel deliberately acts “to spread the Coronavirus" among Palestinians"they – as everyone knows – are intentionally transferring the epidemic to us."Mar 29, 2020
Israel prefers profits to saving Israelis from Coronavirus, says PA Government spokesman"They are sacrificing the infected among their people in order to make more money"Mar 29, 2020
PA libel: Israelis spit at Palestinians and touch their ATMs to spread Coronavirus – says PA Government spokesman"The settlers are natural and exclusive agents for the Coronavirus epidemic"Mar 29, 2020
PA libel: Israeli prison guards seek to infect Palestinian prisoners with Coronavirus – says PA Government spokesman"These prison guards want to spread the [Corona] epidemic among you"Mar 29, 2020
Corona virus "is one of Almighty Allah's soldiers... He is unleashing it on those who attack His believers," says preacher on official PA TV"The true meaning of the epidemics is a… trial for the believers and a punishment for the sinners"Mar 9, 2020
Corona virus “is one of Almighty Allah’s soldiers… [against] those who attack His believers,” says preacher on PA TV"The true meaning of the epidemics is a trial from Almighty Allah and a punishment"Feb 28, 2020