PA school posts invitation to event honoring terrorist who killed 3 on its Facebook page: "Baha is the idea, and the idea doesn’t die"

Image and text posted on the Facebook page of the Shari'ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya
Text on invitation:
"Invitation to participate in the human chain of readers
Under the auspices of his honor, Governor of Qalqilya District Rafe' Rawajbeh, the charity organization Nour Allah and the Qalqiliya Municipality Library are honored to invite you to take part in the human chain of readers
Baha is the idea, and the idea doesn't die
From 11 to 1 PM on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
At the Qalqilya National Zoo
Your participation will be a support for
the cultural development"
A photo of Palestinian terrorist Baha Alyan appears on the invitation.
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