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PA leaders honor killer of 15 at dedication of monument in his name: Terrorist was "a real man, a fighter... We are proud of him as one of the symbols of the Palestinian national struggle"

   “Top officials yesterday [July 17, 2016] unveiled the monument in memory of Martyr (Shahid) Ahmad Jabarah ‘Abu Sukkar,’ (i.e., Palestinian terrorist who murdered 15 Israelis) one of the most veteran Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s prisons, at the entrance to the town of Turmus Ayya in the Ramallah and El-Bireh district.
[Some of the statements at the event honoring the terrorist included:]
“[Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh District] Dr. Ghannam said that the death of Ahmad Jabarah ‘Abu Sukkar’ was a loss for everyone who protects human rights and every freedom fighter. She noted that the deceased fighter left behind a legendary history…
[Chairman of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club Qadura] Fares added in his speech: ‘This man was not a regular man, but rather an epic of a struggle that will be written by the history of the Palestinian victory in large letters due to the greatness of our resolute prisoners…
[Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs] Issa Karake emphasized in his speech that this monument is intended to implant in the minds of our sons and daughters that we are continuing to be loyal to the path of the Martyrs… Karake added: ‘Ahmad Abu Sukkar is a real man, a fighter, and a man who left his impression on everyone and who was a school for giving, resolve, and courage. We are proud of him as one of the symbols of the Palestinian national struggle…”

Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar

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