Abbas’ advisor: Islam’s religious war to destroy Israel has started; Israel is the "culture of Satan"
Official PA TV program Quranic Horizons, lecture on Sura 2:114 of the Quran by Supreme Shari’ah Judge, Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs, and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice Mahmoud Al-Habbash
Supreme Shari’ah Judge, Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs, and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “The Master of the Universe says in the Al-Bakrah Sura, verse 114: ‘And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in His mosques and strive toward their destruction. It is not for them to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and they will have in the Hereafter a great punishment.’ [Quran, Sura 2: 114, Sahih International translation]…
Jerusalem’s mosque, Allah decreed that it would be a symbol of the movement of life in the nation. Indeed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, Allah made it one of the three prominent mosques in Islam. [Islam’s] Prophet [Muhammad] said: "Do not set out on a journey except for three Mosques” (Refers to a famous Hadith - a teaching attributed to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad – understood as indicating the three mosques in Medina, Mecca, and Jerusalem -Ed.)… When we call on Muslims today to visit Jerusalem, we call on them to act to strengthen [its Islamic] identity. Jerusalem is the arena of conflict between us and the colonialist project [Israel]. So, we will not come to Jerusalem in order to let the colonialist project do as it wishes with Jerusalem? So it will build, , colonialize, expel, destroy, and build as it wishes? […]
When I read this verse, I understand that it includes everyone who prevents the people from coming to this mosque, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It includes the occupation and the colonialism that are preventing the people from coming to the Al-Aqsa Mosque by tangible force. And it also includes the people of the ‘ideological terrorism’ in quotes (referring to Islamic adjudicators close to Hamas that have ruled that it is forbidden for Muslims to visit Jerusalem -Ed.) who use cogitative power to prevent the people from coming to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. And it is as if the two groups are carrying out the same mission: ‘Strive toward its destruction.’ [...]
Jerusalem’s [Al-Aqsa] Mosque apparently - and the All Knowing is Allah - is the heading for the eruption of the conflict and the battle of history between Islam and the enemies of Islam; between the Muslims and the enemies of Muslims; between the Islamic culture in all its splendor and human glory and the culture of Satan attempting to establish oppression and aggression at the expense of the culture of truth and goodness… No one is more an oppressor than the one that prevents the people from reaching the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque today. The Al-Aqsa Mosque has become the heading of this time, the heading of the dialogue that is based on the principles of history and politics, and even on the principles of Islamic religious thought, concerning assessing and describing the conflict between good and evil. This mosque is decreed to be the arena of the battle between good and evil. This mosque and this wonderful city - the city of history, religion, and culture, Jerusalem - are decreed to be the heading of the conflict. Its people are the people of the first line, the people of Jerusalem, and they deserve that all of the nation will stand before them and cherish and honor them…
And therefore Jerusalem is the heading of this battle, this conflict, and this round, which I and many others see as the key, as the first step, as the spark of the battle of the ‘final promise’ (refers to Sura 17:7 of the Quran, which Al-Habbash apparently understands as referring to a future war of destruction against Israel; see note below –Ed.), the battle of return, the battle of entering the mosque, 'as they entered it the first time,' as is said in the Quran: '…Then when the final promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple [in Jerusalem], as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.' [Quran, Sura 17:7, Sahih
International translation] (According to the Arabic, the coming of the final promise could be understood as either past or future tense; see note below –Ed.)…
Today, the most prominent mosque that the people are prevented from coming to is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Barriers, closures, the closure of routes and gates, and limiting the ages [of worshippers] – this is a new craft that we are hearing of for the first time: You are not allowed to pray because you are younger than 40, and you are forbidden… how nice! What is this? In what period of history are we living? In the Inquisition's courts? What was done to them – in the ghetto, in the Inquisition's courts, and in the Nazis' courts – they want to do this to people. Are we in the Inquisition, or what? Israeli Zionist Inquisition courts that are attempting to demean human dignity, the dignity of the people's religion, and the people's faith in Allah. However Allah promises, threatens: 'And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in His mosques.'"
The final (other) promise
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