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Palestinian stabs Jew in Hamas music video

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

The same day that Hamas official Fathi Hammad promised to "slaughter, exterminate, and annihilate" Israel, Hamas TV broadcast a music video promising to "blow up" Tel Aviv and showing a staged stabbing of a religious Jew by a masked Palestinian:


"We have not yet drawn weapons, and yet we have [already] brought down the Zionists
We have brought down the Zionists...
They removed us from the land and stole our beloved homeland...
We haven't forgotten, the children have grown up, and we have started blowing up Tel Aviv
We have started blowing up Tel Aviv...
We will ambush them. We will trample the necks of the enemies.
Visual: A large knife is shown
On the trigger, on the trigger, [I'm] alert and my finger is on the trigger
Footage of Hamas missile hitting Israeli army bus
O occupier, wait for a green [light]. Receive this reduced image.
See how the Kornet [missile] travels slowly...
We are the ones who threaten, and no one threatens us
We are the nation's only sword
We will strike, we will blow up [and] not hesitate
We will do more against the enemy if he continues...
Staged: A Palestinian stabs a religious Jew."
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), May 15, 2019

PMW has documented that Abbas' PA and Fatah also broadcast terror promoting music videos, for example, a song on official PA TV promoted suicide bombings, and a Fatah song featured a child soldier promising terror against Israel:


"Al-Aqsa has called, and its call is precious
For its sake, life is insignificant, even if it's precious...
God, grant us Martyrdom there
God, promise us, we beg of you...
A million grooms and brides at the celebration
Have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil"


Visual: Suicide bomber Wafa Idris - She blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing 1 and wounding over 100
A million grooms and brides at the celebration
Have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil"
Visual: Suicide bomber Ayyat Al-Akhras - She blew herself up in Jerusalem, killing 2 and wounding 28
Filled with desire, they are going to the Paradise of immortals
To a wedding procession with angels that fill Palestine with light."
Official PA TV, Nov 2, 2018


Child singer Muhammad Al-Basyouni:
"See the [Al-Aqsa Martyrs') Brigades (Fatah's military wing) who set up ambushes 
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs emerged with rifles 
He wore a vest, bade farewell and returned with booty: a machine gun and a cannon 
He overcame his wounds 
I saw the Brigades' member when he left 
A machine gun and a rifle adorned his clothes 
May he stay young 
The Brigades, the Brigades 
The Brigades' hawk with the keffiyeh - who else has his stature? 
See how the follower of Yasser [Arafat] reacts when he raises his weapon 
Brigades, [your] snipers vowed to hit the target with the first shot 
The [Brigades'] bombing made a loud noise 
The Brigades set out on a mission and waited for the signal 
Tell those who were not there: We laid mines in the orchard 
O my land, be strong and tremble from the Al-Aqsa rockets. Be proud 
We defied the [Israeli] drone and retaliated against the [air] strike" 

Fatah Facebook - The Main Page, April 25, 2015

During Hamas' recent attack against Israel with over 700 rockets fired at Israeli civilians, Hamas TV also broadcast songs calling for terror, among them the following:

Hamas TV: "I will dig your grave with my hands... I go down with the Quran and the knife to die as a Martyr while fighting"


"We'll make our enemy live in fear, in fear, in fear...
I'll dig your grave with my hands...
I've reached you from all fronts, and with the will of the heroes.
We don't have planes, but we have men...
At the gates of the precious Al-Aqsa Mosque...
Leave, leave O foreigner. We'll turn your day into night. From Rafah to the Galilee, (i.e., all of Israel) the powerful wave will reach you...
If [the settler] thinks to take a walk in the [Al-Aqsa Mosque] plaza,
set out towards him with the sharp sword...
Strike, strike, strike - we won't let him approach the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
The response, the response, the response, the response - we'll punish the occupier (i.e., as described in the Quran)...
Visual: Footage of stabbing attack
Whether during the day or at night, I go down to the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
I go down with the Quran and the knife to die as a Martyr while fighting.
We will die and Palestine will live.
This is what the self-sacrificing fighters have said."
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), May 4, 2019

Note: The PA TV music video promoting suicide bombings aired on official PA TV on Dec. 11, 17 and 19, 2017, and on Jan. 8, 10 and 20, 2018 and Nov. 2, 2018; A similar version previously aired on Fatah-run Awdah TV, Jan. 23-24, 2017 and 4 times on July 22, 2017.

According to Islamic belief, a Martyr marries 72 Dark-Eyed Virgins in Paradise. Therefore a Martyr's funeral is considered a "wedding." Becoming a Martyr represents the highest religious achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

Wafa Idris

Ayyat Al-Akhras

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