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Unrepentant released spy: We will "liberate" all of Palestine from "the Zionist enemy"

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus  |

  • Released spy praises terrorist murderers as “heroes” and “torch that lit the path”
  • Released terrorist who transported suicide bomber: “We… will leave the prisons and return to the struggle until the liberation of Palestine”

A spy recently released from Israeli prison is unrepentant and promises to "liberate" all of Palestine - the Palestinian euphemism for destroying Israel. He refers to Israel not by name but as "the Zionist enemy." He also promises to "liberate" what he calls the "Syrian Golan." 

Sidqi Al-Maqt is a spy from the Druze and former Syrian village Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. He spied against Israel, providing Syria with information about the Israeli army and was imprisoned in the 1980s. Recently released, Al-Maqt spoke at an event in his honor held by the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. Note the Syrian flag at the event:

Released spy Sidqi Al-Maqt: "Your enemy is our enemy. It is the one that occupies Palestine, the Zionist enemy, and the same enemy occupies the Syrian Arab Golan. We will … confront this enemy until we liberate all of our occupied Arab land, all of the Golan and all of Palestine, and we won’t relinquish one bit of our occupied Arab land in Palestine and the Golan… We will confront the enemy for our causes, and we will pay any price. Our blood and our soul for Syria and for Palestine, and we won’t renounce this path."

[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 2, 2020]

In his speech, Al-Maqt also praised several of the most notorious terrorist murderers: Arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who orchestrated the murder of at least 125 Israelis; Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf) who headed the terror organization Black September and planned the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972; and Dalal Mughrabi who led the most lethal terror attack against Israel in which terrorists murdered 37 Israelis among them 12 children:

Released spy Sidqi Al-Maqt: "Let me bow my head before the Martyr leaders… Yasser Arafat… 'Abu Jihad' Khalil Al-Wazir… Abu Iyad … Let me bless all of the heroes of the Palestinian struggle throughout Palestinian history. They have been the torch that has lit the path for us. Let me bless with a special blessing, as I cannot leave her out, heroic Martyr Dalal Mughrabi who commanded the coastal operation and stood before the enemy… Her name will remain eternal alongside the names of all of our mighty Martyrs, the heroes of the Palestinian struggle."

[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 2, 2020]

Another recently released prisoner – who was in jail for transporting a suicide bomber - also expressed his unwavering desire to "continue the struggle until the occupation's defeat" and "liberate Palestine":

"Randy Odeh… said: 'My message through my marriage immediately after leaving prison is the continuation of the struggle to give birth to a generation that will carry the flag and continue the struggle until the occupation's defeat.' … 
He also said that the prisoners' message is the unity of all of our Palestinian people, as they stand behind their leadership in refusing all of the plots that are being woven against our people, the latest of which is ‘the deal of the century'. Their message is also that 'We are resolute in our positions and will leave the prisons and return to the struggle until the liberation of Palestine. We are the sons of Palestine and will continue to defend it until the liberation of the homeland.'"

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 6, 2020]

Another released terrorist, who had served time for murdering an Israeli citizen, explained that none of the terrorists regret what they did: 

Released murderer Asrar Samrin: "The first question all Israeli media ask every released prisoner is, 'Do you regret what you did or not?' This is the question they always ask. Through the great PA TV, I say to the Israelis: There is no Palestinian who did something for the homeland and his nation who will regret it. We don't regret what we did and we will no regret what we did." 
PA TV host: "Palestine deserves sacrifice." 
Samrin: "Palestine deserves sacrifice." 

[Official PA TV, Oct. 30, 2013]

Asrar Samrin was serving a life sentence for the murder of Israeli citizen Tzvi Klein (Dec. 3, 1991). He was released in October 2013 as one of 104 terrorists Israel agreed to release, which was the PA's precondition for renewing negotiations.

Palestinian Media Watch has documented for decades that it is PA policy to consider all of the State of Israel part of “Palestine.” 

The following are additional excerpts of the reports on the released prisoners’ statements:

Headline: "Randy Odeh, a marriage that was delayed 18 years"
"Finally the joy of prisoner Randy Odeh (i.e., terrorist, transported would-be suicide bomber) was completed after 18 years of imprisonment in the occupation's prisons, as he was released yesterday evening, Thursday [March 5, 2020], from Ktzi'ot Prison and insisted on being married the day of his release, and indeed this is what happened…
Randy said to [the official PA news agency] WAFA: 'My message through my marriage immediately after leaving prison is the continuation of the struggle to give birth to a generation that will carry the flag and continue the struggle until the occupation's defeat.'

He also said that the prisoners' message is the unity of all of our Palestinian people, as they stand behind their leadership in refusing all of the plots that are being woven against our people, the latest of which is ‘the deal of the century' (i.e., US President Donald Trump's Middle East peace plan; see note below). Their message is also that 'We are resolute in our positions and will leave the prisons and return to the struggle until the liberation of Palestine. We are the sons of Palestine and will continue to defend it until the liberation of the homeland.'

'Prisoner Randy was arrested 18 years ago on the pretext that he transported a Martyrdom-seeker (i.e., suicide bomber) who carried out an operation (sic., the attack was thwarted) in the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel), despite all evidence proving his non-participation. However, the occupation insisted on pinning onto him an unjust sentence of 18 consecutive years in prison' – Issa Odeh, the prisoner's father, began his address with these words.
He added: 'We are happy today and our joy is double thanks to the release of my oldest son and his wedding. We have already suffered a lot, beginning with our expulsion from our village of Ein Kerem, which is west of occupied Jerusalem, during the Nakba (i.e., “the catastrophe,” Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel) and after it in the journey of being refugees outside of our village and our struggle against the occupation.'"

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 6, 2020]

Randy Odeh

Posted text on Fatah’s Facebook page with released spy Al-Maqt’s speech: "The words of released prisoner Sidqi Al-Maqt, a son of the occupied Golan, at an event in his honor"

Sidqi Al-Maqt

Yasser Arafat

Abu Jihad

Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf)

Dalal Mughrabi

The Trump peace plan – US President Donald Trump announced his Israel–Palestinian peace plan "Peace to Prosperity" – commonly known as “the deal of the century” - on Jan. 28, 2020.
Main points of the plan:
1.    Israeli sovereignty would be applied to the Jordan Valley and all Israeli towns and cities in the West Bank.
2.    Jerusalem, including all its holy sites, would remain under Israeli sovereignty with accommodations made to enable access for Palestinians.
3.    The remainder of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and part of what is currently Israeli land in the Negev, the Galilee, and Jerusalem - creating a territory almost equal in size to the West Bank and Gaza Strip - would form the Palestinian state, with its capital in neighborhoods in East Jerusalem that are outside of Israel's security wall.
4.    The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, with Israel responsible for external security and controlling all airspace.
5.    All Palestinian prisoners except murderers, and those who attempted or conspired to murder would be released.
6.    Palestinians in refugee camps would be absorbed into their host countries and, subject to certain limitations, into the Palestinian state.
7.    Before becoming a state, the Palestinians would have to carry out extensive reform of their laws and institutions, including implementing a new governing system; granting its people due process and basic human rights and freedoms; end all incitement to and incentivizing of terror; end all glorification of terror and martyrdom; disarm Hamas; and adopt a culture promoting peace.
The goal of the plan is to create a Palestinian state beside Israel, living in peace and security.
The implementation would be facilitated through extensive international investment.


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