PA death worship: A mother is proud of her child’s death for Allah
“My son is a sacrifice for the sake of the homeland… I’m proud... I’m prepared to sacrifice even more. I’m prepared to give more Martyrs”
The PA encourages its children to go into areas of confrontation and participate in fighting with Israeli soldiers, and when the children are killed, the PA presents them as heroic Martyrs. In fact, their deaths are presented by the PA as an “achievement.” Often, the parents of the dead children also present their children’s deaths positively.
One particularly shocking response of a mother of such a child “Martyr” was recently posted by Abbas’ Fatah Movement. On May 13, 2020, when Israeli special forces were in a PA town to arrest a suspected terrorist, a Palestinian teenager joined the confrontations and was killed. The mother was called on the phone by PA Chairman Abbas and by the way she spoke to him about her son’s death, you would think she had won the lottery:
“My son is a sacrifice for the sake of the homeland. A sacrifice for the sake of the entire people… I’m proud, proud of the entire people – I’m proud of it, and of the sons of Palestine, the young people of Palestine... I’m prepared to sacrifice even more. I’m prepared to give more Martyrs for the homeland… It’s not a waste. My son’s blood is not a waste for the homeland.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, May 17, 2020]
Both Abbas and the Fatah official who sat with the mother expressed support for the mother’s praise of her son’s Martyrdom for Allah. Abbas reiterated that all children are for Allah: “He is our son… Our children – all are for the sake of Allah.” When the mother said: “I’m prepared to give more Martyrs,” Fatah’s secretary of the Southern Hebron Branch, Iyad Rayyan, added “May Allah grant you more.”
This mother’s statements are a clear example of how decades of PA glorification of terrorists and terrorists who die as “Martyrs” while fighting Israel translates into teens endangering themselves, and parents applauding their untimely deaths.
Palestinian Media Watch has documented numerous examples of the PA’s brainwashing of the population. One example in particular stands out. Following the publication of matriculation exams in the summer of 2016, the official PA news agency WAFA, and later the official PA daily, chose to focus on those teenagers who had “died as Martyrs” in the preceding terror wave - most of whom were killed while committing terror attacks. The PA glorified these teenage Martyrs, stating that the parents were “proud of the Martyrdom that their children achieved” and that their Martyrdom was "the path to excellence" and "the great victory":
"The day of the publication of high school matriculation exam results is known as a day of long expectation... Some of them [graduates] view this day as the day of their birth and the start of their path in life, work, and building. However, the families of the Martyrs and their relatives find themselves proud of the Martyrdom ("Shahada," a play on words, also means matriculation "certificate") that their children achieved with the Creator... Sixteen [students] succeeded [in achieving] the Martyrdom of the homeland and withstanding its difficult tests, for death as a Martyr is the path to excellence and greatness, and the path of those who know how to reach the great victory."
[WAFA (official PA news agency), July 11, 2016;
official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 12, 2016]
The following is a longer excerpt of the mother’s statements of joy about her son’s death:
Mother of Zaid Al-Qaysiya: “Your Honor President [Abbas].”
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: “Greetings, may Allah grant you endurance-”
Mother: “May Allah grant you happiness and success. My son is a sacrifice for the sake of the homeland. A sacrifice for the sake of the entire people. The son of all Palestine. Praise Allah, he is not only my son. He is your son, the son of Palestine, and the son of the entire people.”
Mahmoud Abbas: “He is our son, all of ours. Our children – all are for the sake of Allah and for the sake of-“
Mother: “Praise Allah Master of the Universe. I’m proud, proud of the entire people – I’m proud of it, and of the sons of Palestine, the young people of Palestine... I’m prepared to sacrifice even more. I’m prepared to give more Martyrs for the homeland.”
Fatah Movement Southern Hebron Branch Secretary Iyad Rayyan: “May Allah grant you more.”
Mother: “Praise Allah. It’s not a waste. My son’s blood is not a waste for the homeland.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, May 17, 2020]
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[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas calls to console the mother of Martyr Zaid Al-Qaysiya”