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PA anger at Arab world’s indifference to Israel's possible applying civil law to parts of West Bank

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

The Palestinians’ frustration and anger with the Arab world for its general indifference to “the Palestinian cause” is on the increase. It seems the PA had expected solid backing from the Islamic nation after Abbas announced that the PA had absolved itself from all agreements with Israel because of Israel's presumed application of Israeli civil law to the Jordan Valley and Jewish towns on the West Bank.

But serious Arab backing is not coming. The cartoon above expresses the PA’s discontent with the Arab world, criticizing its lack of help to the Palestinians by showing “the Arabs” as an ostrich burying its head in the sand through a hole in a document announcing the Israeli “annexation of the West Bank.” [Official Fatah Facebook page, June 25, 2020]

The cartoon was published the day after the Arab Parliament (i.e., the executive body of the Arab League) in fact did express support for Abbas’ decision to cut ties with Israel:

“The Arab Parliament  emphasized its support for the Palestinian leadership’s decision – which was declared by [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas – to cut off all types of relations with the occupying power (Israel) [parentheses in source] and to be released from the agreements and commitments stemming from it… The Arab Parliament emphasized that it rejects and condemns the occupying power’s (Israel) continued implementation of the settlement plans.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 25, 2020]

But apparently the Palestinians felt it was not strong enough, expecting much more.

In a call to the Islamic nation exposed by Palestinian Media Watch, the PA urged for nothing less than “Jihad” – holy war. In a filler broadcast many times by the PA on its TV stations, text slides are read by a narrator urging the Arab world to “act before it’s too late.” This call is followed by part of a song, which the PA used to ignite its terror wave in October 2000. The message is to go to holy war:

PA TV narrator: "A call from the Palestinian people to the Arab and Islamic nation...
The Palestinian cause – is in danger and Palestine is the heart of the nation...
We are calling on you to end your silence and waiting, and act!  Explicitly declare your rejection of the annexation plan... The Palestinian people, which is standing firm and rising up, is calling to you... There is not much time to waste. Act before it’s too late..."

Song used by the PA in 2000 to call for terror:
"Brother, the oppressors have gone too far
Therefore Jihad is necessary
and self-sacrifice is necessary

How can we let them steal the Arabness –
the glory of the forefathers and the rule?"

[Official PA TV Live, June 6, 8 (3 times), 2020
Official PA TV, June 8 (3 times), 9, 11, 12 (3 times), 13 (twice), 14 (twice), 20 (twice), 24, 26 (twice), 27, 2020]

The PA’s frustration was also expressed by top PA official Jibril Rajoub when he called on the Arab world to “hurry” and help and save the Palestinians:

Jibril Rajoub: “This battle is directed against all the Palestinians and against the region too. We say to the Arabs that we are your first line of defense. We are defending the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the [Church of the] Holy Sepulchre, and we are defending your interests, so hurry to save and aid us, because history will have no mercy on you.”

[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, June 20, 2020]

Rajoub’s statement echoes a repeated PA view: That the Palestinians see themselves as the vanguard against the enemy Israel, and as the prime defender of the Islamic holy places. This is also the reason for the greatest anger since Palestinians feel abandoned by the ungrateful Arab world.

Another plea for help was broadcast by official PA TV:

Official PA TV Host: “Good morning Jerusalem, good morning to all of Palestine. A morning of resolve and defiance against the occupation government, which is planning to gnaw away at the Palestinian lands. On this morning we remind you of the Palestinian people’s call to the Arab and Islamic nations that Palestine is shouting to you for help: Leave the positions of silence for the position of speech and action for the sake of Palestine and its people that is resisting and standing firm, for the sake of the land of prophesy and the cradle of the religions. Now and not tomorrow, because history and the generations are watching you and your positions.”

[Official PA TV, Good Morning Jerusalem, June 12, 2020]

Jibril Rajoub

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