PMW’s recommendation to seize terror money in banks upheld by Israeli court
Last December as part of a comprehensive report on combatting PA rewarding of Israeli Arab terrorists, Palestinian Media Watch recommended that Israel’s Minister of Defense seize the funds from the Israeli bank accounts in which the PA deposits salaries to these terrorists.
A few days later, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Naftali Bennett, responded and announced that for the first time, Israel would seize the PA payments to the Israeli Arab terrorists. A number of “Seizure Orders” were signed for millions of shekels that the PA had paid to the terrorists.
One of the terrorists, Israeli Arab Fahri Omar, has been paid hundreds of thousands of shekels in monthly salaries as a reward for his involvement in the 2005 suicide attack in the Israeli city of Hadera, in which six people were murdered and dozens injured.
Omar appealed the decision to seize his money to the Israeli courts. Yesterday, the Tel Aviv District Court rejected Omar’s appeal, thereby affirming PMW’s initiative.
PMW is pleased that the Israeli government is taking concrete steps in the war against the PA’s terror financing, and expects that this policy of seizing the bank accounts in which terrorists receive their terror salaries will soon be expanded to all the banks in the PA areas.
PMW has been leading the battle internationally against the PA’s payments of salaries to terrorist prisoners, since PMW first exposed this PA practice in 2011. For more on this topic read here.