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PLO official admits the PA is paying full terrorist salaries – also amid financial crisis when others get half

Independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an host: [You’ve said] “I will quit if the allowances are not paid.” In other words, if the [PA] Ministry of Finance does not pay the allowances of the [PLO] Commission [of Prisoners’ Affairs], even partly… Director of PLO”

Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr: “We have the canteen [expenses] that are paid monthly to the prisoners. They are being paid, and also on the first of the current month [of September] they transferred the canteen [expenses] to us… The prisoners’ allowances are also being paid…”

Host: “The prisoners’ issues need to be at the top of everyone’s priorities, even in a matter such as their allowance payments. Do you think that the prisoners’ cause is being neglected and is no longer at the top of the priorities regarding the monetary allowances paid to them?”

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, I don’t think so and the proof of this is that even when the Israelis cancelled the allowances, a full salary was paid to them. A 100% salary was paid to the prisoners, while the [public] employees received half a salary.”

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