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Abbas’ latest joke: Appoint terrorists to fight terror

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎  |

“Money for nothing”  
‎– the PA version of Dire Straits

  • PA planning to absorb released terrorists into the PA Security Forces ‎

  • PA pays released terrorists high monthly salaries for not working

  • ‎PA grants terrorists free university education, professional training, and ‎even dental work ‎

In a revealing interview, the Director of the Palestinian Authority-funded ‎Commission of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, made ‎three exceptional revelations – all of which are relevant for the PA’s foreign donors. ‎They show what the PA prioritizes spending its money on, and ultimately, what ‎purposes the foreign donors are helping to fund.‎

Since Palestinian Media Watch exposed the PA’s terror reward payments, many ‎countries who donate funds to the PA earmark their donations for specific ‎purposes, such as the payment of the salaries of civil servants. According to Abu ‎Bakr, the PA’s latest exercise in deception is to recruit released terrorists - to whom ‎the PA pays salaries for doing nothing - to fulfill ostensibly legitimate PA positions, ‎and thereby deceive the world into funding the PA’s outrageous terror reward ‎program. Most outrageously, it appears that the PA is going to integrate the released ‎terrorists into positions in the PA security forces - the very same forces tasked with ‎fighting terrorism.‎

During the interview, Abu Bakr admitted that there are 7,000 - 8,000 released ‎terrorist prisoners who receive a monthly salary from the PA for doing nothing! ‎

‎“A prisoner is released from prison and receives a released prisoner’s ‎salary, without working and without doing anything… We have 7,000-8,000 ‎released prisoners who are receiving a salary like this.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs,  Sept. 7, 2020]‎

Next, Abu Bakr admitted that despite the deep financial crisis the PA has put itself ‎in, and their appeals to the world for assistance to deal with the effects of the Covid-‎‎19 pandemic, the PA continues to pay salaries to terrorists. He even put his own job ‎on the line should the terrorist salaries not be paid: ‎

‎“I will quit if the allowances are not paid”‎

Finally, Abu Bakr explained some of the additional benefits - such as university ‎education, professional training, and even dental work - the PA grants to released ‎terrorists: ‎

‎“Every prisoner who is released after a year is eligible to study at university ‎and also carpentry, metalworking, and the like. Any profession that we can ‎cover for him. We are also covering dental treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] ‎shekels. We cover implants.”   ‎

Money for nothing

The 2004 PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ Affairs guarantees ‎terrorists - both those in prison and those released from prison - a monthly salary ‎and many other benefits. ‎

PA Government Decision No. 15 of 2013, as amended in 2015, adopted the ‎‎“Regulation for Ensuring Jobs for Released Prisoners” which codifies both the ‎payment of salaries to released terrorists and the other benefits to which they are ‎entitled.‎

Paragraph 8(1) of the regulation provides:‎

‎“A released male prisoner who was in prison for 10 years or more, and a ‎released female prisoner who was in prison for 5 years or more, will be ‎employed with a salary in the state institutions, according to the table ‎appended to this regulation.”‎

While this provision might suggest that these released terrorists - men who spent 10 ‎years in prison and women who spent 5 years in prison – will actually be gainfully ‎employed, article 8(3) clarifies:‎

“Every released prisoner who is employed with a salary according to this ‎clause, is required to comply with the official decisions of the state ‎institutions and to present himself to work if he is requested to do so.”

In other words, released terrorists who meet the criteria are not actually employed by ‎the PA. Rather, they simply receive a salary for a position, for which they must ‎present themselves only if specifically requested to do so. According to Abu Bakr, ‎there are between 7,000 – 8,000 released terrorists who are “employed with a ‎salary” but sit around doing nothing.    ‎

The pay table (referenced in para. 8(1)) attached to the regulation sets the salaries ‎of the released terrorists according to the pay scales of non-terrorist, law-abiding, ‎real, senior civil servants. According to the pay scale, terrorists released after 10 ‎years in prison receive a starting salary equivalent to that earned by an A class ‎manager or of a Lieutenant Colonel, simply because they are released terrorists. ‎

While the fact that the PA pays substantial salaries to terrorists who are just sitting at ‎home is cause for concern, the PA’s new initiative to “solve” this problem is even ‎more worrying. In the interview, Abu Bakr explained that PA Chairman Mahmoud ‎Abbas recently approved a change in policy to recruit the terrorists to the PA’s ‎security forces! ‎

Abu Bakr: “A prisoner is released from prison and receives a released ‎prisoner’s salary, without working and without doing anything. We raised ‎before President [Abbas] the need to absorb the [released] prisoners, so ‎that no one will feel that he is at a high level and sits [idly by]. We have ‎‎[released prisoners ] with degrees – matriculation, BA, MA, and Ph.D. Why ‎should we not absorb them into the PA institutions? Praise Allah, a number ‎of days ago the president agreed to this suggestion and assembled a ‎committee of the highest levels led by Prime Minister Muhammad ‎Shtayyeh, to begin absorbing these prisoners. We have 7,000-8,000 ‎released prisoners who are receiving a salary like this. This is also being ‎exploited against us in Europe, the US, and Israel - that they receive a salary ‎because they killed and did this and that...” …‎

Ma’an host: “They will be absorbed in positions?”

Abu Bakr:“In security positions – the [PA] Security Forces, or in the ‎governmental ministries, the institutions of the PA, and its authorities.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎

Clearly, in the PA world where terrorists are paid cash rewards simply for being ‎terrorists - including murderers and mass murderers and other members of ‎internationally designated terror organizations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic ‎Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine arrested for the full ‎spectrum of terror offences - it is fitting to recruit the released terrorists into the ‎security apparatus that is meant to fight terror.  ‎

Despite financial crisis, terrorist prisoners still get paid
In the last few months, the income of the PA has plummeted, both as a result of the ‎Covid-19 pandemic and as a result of the PA’s decision to cut its ties with Israel, ‎including refusing to accept hundreds of millions of shekels that Israel collects in ‎taxes and transfers to the PA every month. To cover the shortfall, the PA has been ‎begging the world to increase donations. While many, most predominantly the EU, ‎have generously answered the call the PA has shamefully continued to waste its ‎own money by maintaining its cash rewards to the terrorist prisoners. ‎

PA Government Decision Number 23 of 2010, “Regarding the Regulation of ‎Payment of the Monthly Salary to the Prisoner” codifies both the pay scale of the ‎terrorist prisoners and other benefits to which they are entitled. ‎

The pay scale starts at 1,400 shekels/month, rising with time spent in prison to ‎‎12,000 shekels/month.‎

 ‎  ‎

Due to the financial crisis, the PA has had to cut significantly the salaries it pays to ‎its civil servants. Since the PA also considers the terrorist prisoners in their prison ‎cells to be “employees” of the PA, the same salary cuts, which were applied to the ‎law-abiding, non-terrorist, civil servants, were also applied to the salaries of the ‎terrorists. The exception to that rule being the part of the terror salaries that the PA ‎deposits monthly to the accounts of the prisoners in the prisons for use in the ‎canteen. ‎

Ma’an host: “[You’ve said] “I will quit if the allowances are not paid.” In other ‎words, if the [PA] Ministry of Finance does not pay the allowances of the  ‎Commission [of Prisoners’ Affairs], even partly…”‎

Abu Bakr: “We have the canteen [expenses] that are paid monthly to the ‎prisoners. They are being paid, and also on the first of the current month [of ‎September] they transferred the canteen [expenses] to us… The prisoners’ ‎allowances are also being paid…”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ issues need to be at the top of everyone’s priorities, ‎even in a matter such as their allowance payments. Do you think that the ‎prisoners’ cause is being neglected and is no longer at the top of the ‎priorities regarding the monetary allowances paid to them?”‎

Abu Bakr: “No, I don’t think so and the proof of this is that even when the ‎Israelis cancelled the allowances, a full salary was paid to them. A 100% ‎salary was paid to the prisoners, while the [public] employees received half a ‎salary.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎

As exposed by PMW, in 2019 the PA admitted to spending 517.4 million shekels ‎‎(circa 150 million US dollars) funding its terror rewarding salaries. With an average ‎monthly expenditure in excess of 43 million shekels, even if the PA cut the salaries ‎of the terrorist prisoners in half, it still means that the PA’s terror rewards cost over ‎‎21.5 million shekels (circa 6.25 million US dollars) every month. ‎

Free studies and dental work

Referring to some of the other benefits the PA provides to the terrorist prisoners and ‎released terrorists, including higher or vocational education and dental work, Abu ‎Bakr added: ‎

‎“In prison [the prisoner] is “covered,” [and paid for] whether at university or ‎studying for his matriculation exam… Every prisoner who is released after a ‎year is eligible to study at university and also carpentry, metalworking, and ‎the like. Any profession we can cover for him. We are also covering dental ‎treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] shekels. We cover implants.”‎

Since the only criteria required by the PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners’ ‎Affairs to receive the salaries and benefits described by Abu Bakr is to be a terrorist ‎arrested by Israel, it is clear that the goal of these overly generous payments is to ‎incentivize and reward terror.‎

These payments continue to this day irrespective of the circumstances and ‎irrespective of the PA’s begging the international community to increase donations ‎to relieve them of the self-imposed financial crisis. ‎
‎ ‎
If Mark Knopfler, the legendary lead vocalist of the British rock band Dire Straits, ‎were a Palestinian terrorist, the group’s iconic parody, “Money for nothing” of the ‎MTV culture, would have taken on a whole new meaning. ‎

The following is a longer excerpt of the interview with Abu Bakr:‎

Video posted on the Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs; ‎the video shows an interview by the independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an ‎with Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr

Independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an host: “The debts of the [PLO] ‎Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs are accumulating, and a while ago you said: ‘I will ‎quit if the allowances are not paid’ – in other words, if the [PA] Ministry of Finance ‎does not pay the allowances of the Commission, even partially. Let us talk first ‎about the problem: First of all, what are the Commission’s allowances? Where are ‎they being paid? We know that the prisoners are studying in the universities, and ‎accordingly there are allowances that are transferred to the universities in exchange ‎for the prisoners’ studies. Could you explain to us first about this matter?”‎

Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr: “Firstly, there ‎is an economic crisis, whether in the Commission or in the PA in general. We are ‎witness to the PA’s difficulty in transferring half salaries to the [PA public] ‎employees. Now regarding the Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, we have the ‎canteen [expenses] that are paid monthly to the prisoners. That is not being ‎touched. They are being paid, and also on the first of the current month [of ‎September] they transferred the canteen [expenses] to us as they are.”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ expenses.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The prisoners’ allowances are also being paid, and what is correct ‎in relation to the [public] employees is correct in relation to the Commission of ‎Prisoners’ Affairs. We are being subjected to great pressure, primarily on the ‎Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. For example, in Gaza half salaries have been ‎paid for a long time, and for a number of months they have given them half of their ‎half salaries. There is also the matter of stopping the salaries on a monthly basis, ‎particularly in Gaza. It appears that there are many annoying reports that are being ‎published and this also constitutes [a problem] for us, since everyone is calling us. ‎We are the address. They are calling us. Another matter-”‎

Host: “In other words, who is publishing these reports?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “I don’t know. From Gaza, of course. Like, people- Now the ‎universities, for example. Every prisoner who leaves the prison – in the prison he is ‎‎‘covered,’ [and paid for] whether at university or studying for his matriculation exam ‎and the like. Every prisoner who is released after a year is eligible to study at ‎university and also carpentry, metalworking, and the like. Any profession that we ‎can cover for him. We are also covering dental treatment up to 5,000 [Israeli] ‎shekels. We cover implants.”‎

Host: “For all the prisoners, or for prisoners who served a specific number of years?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “I am speaking about all the prisoners who served more than a ‎year in prison.”‎

Host: “More than a year, okay.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “They have the right to this. Now on the topic of the PA, and even ‎the Ministry of Finance, those who are close to this matter are not saying ‘We don’t ‎want to pay,’ but a number of [academic] institutions have begun – after [the debts] ‎were not paid for a while – to implement measures.”‎

Host: “Like who?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “For example the Arab American University. There are three or four ‎‎[prisoners] who completed their degree, and one of them completed the degree a ‎year and a bit ago and they want to appoint him to a specific field, but he cannot ‎work because they are delaying his degree.”‎

Host: “They are delaying it because [the debts] were not paid?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “[Because] they were not paid. Even though a while ago we paid ‎them $18,000. Al-Quds Open University, for example- I wanted to say that they have ‎gotten close to $2.5 million.”‎

Host: “The debts!”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The debts. However, they are committed, and [Al-Quds Open] ‎University President Dr. [Younes] Amr said that even if the debts reach $250 million ‎he would not be able to prevent a prisoner, a fighter, from studying. Abu Dis ‎University is also [committed] to us, but not at the same level. In any case, matters ‎have begun to move.”‎

Host: “What is the approximate sum of the debts to the universities? Do you have ‎an idea, Mr. Qadri?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Over $3 million.”‎

Host: “To the universities.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “To the universities. $3-3.5 million.”‎

Host: “That indicates that for a long period there have been no allowances to pay ‎these debts to the universities.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “There has been an economic crisis for two years already. We are ‎paying in parts, slowly. In other words, this present year [2020], at the end of the ‎year, we agreed to take 100,000 [Jordanian] dinars (approximately $141,000 –Ed.) ‎for the universities each month… The crisis arrived – the Coronavirus and the ‎‎[economic] crisis – [and things] have been frozen for a year, but we hope [for ‎resolution soon]. This week a meeting will be held with the Ministry of Finance. It ‎was supposed to be held last week, but they were very busy with arranging the ‎salaries, the half salaries, in cooperation with [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] and ‎‎[PA] Prime Minister [Muhammad Shtayyeh]. The loan from the banks has reached ‎approximately 5 billion shekels according to my understanding – these debts for us, ‎for the PA. In other words, we don’t envy our situation.”‎

Host: “This meeting, or the call for a meeting, arrived after you sent [a message] to ‎the president and prime minister, informed them about this topic, and briefed them ‎on this crisis?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The crisis is known. The crisis is known to everyone.”‎

Host: “But perhaps you informed them about your intention to quit?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, that is an old matter, not new, at the level of the [Fatah] ‎Central Committee. But now I say, for example the salaries that are nearly stopped ‎monthly – there is a way now that we may participate in examining these cases. ‎Before that, the salaries were stopped without any consultation with us. Now ‎‎[cooperation] can be carried out between us. In other words, the bodies that are ‎reducing the salaries-”‎

Host: “The prisoners’ salaries?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “The salaries that were stopped for some of the prisoners.”‎

Host: “You asked that the matter be carried out in consultation with you first.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Yes, it will be done in consultation and we will study some of the ‎cases and the people whose salary was stopped in prison in particular, and also ‎outside of prison, as there is a sector whose salary was stopped. There is a solution ‎also to the other matters. It may be that the Ministry of Finance has no connection to ‎the matter of stopping the salaries – the Ministry of Finance spends what comes to ‎it.”‎

Host: “Let’s say that sometimes the matters do not come easily. In other words, early ‎signs of a solution do not come easily. You pressed for this, but even though the ‎matter was not new you threatened to tender your resignation, and afterwards came ‎responses, discussions, and conversations on this matter.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “There is huge pressure on us.”‎

Host: “From whom?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “From the people. Prisoners’ families, prisoners inside the prisons, ‎prisoners outside the prisons. We have a huge number of queries that we cannot ‎deal with. For example, a prisoner from Gaza whose salary was stopped… talks with ‎me and tells me: ‘We cannot live. My salary was 6,000 shekels [a month] – it became ‎‎3,000 shekels when they reduced it. We relied on the 3,000 shekels, and now I am ‎getting half of that same 3,000 shekels.’ I tell him: ‘There is economic hardship and ‎there are other bodies.’ He tells me: ‘You are our address, and if you cannot solve ‎our problem – please, quit!’ And he is right in what he says, completely right.”‎

Host: “In other words, one of the prisoners told you these things, that you [should ‎quit].”‎
Qadri Abu Bakr: “More than one. I feel their sadness and pain. There is no doubt, ‎the situation is very difficult. This situation, as I said, is true for everyone, but ‎particularly for the prisoners. Regarding me personally, I feel that there is ‎helplessness. In other words, in general, and helplessness regarding us too, we are ‎the ones who are being negligent.”‎

Host: “This neglect- in other words, the prisoners’ issues need to be at the top of ‎everyone’s priorities, even in a matter such as their allowance payments. Do you, ‎Mr. Qadri, think that there is neglect and negligence on the prisoners’ cause and it ‎is no longer at the top of the priorities regarding the monetary allowances that are ‎paid to them?”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “No, I don’t think so and the proof of this is that even when the ‎Israelis cancelled the allowances (refers to Israel’s Anti “Pay-for-Slay” Law to deduct ‎the PA’s terror salaries; see note below –Ed.), a full salary was paid to them. A 100% ‎salary was paid to the prisoners, while the [public] employees received half salary. ‎Also for me personally, as a prisoner who served 17 years, I had a half salary paid to ‎me. It may be that I will refuse [to accept the salary], I will be different, because it is a ‎general cause. Sometimes a number of prisoners ask- even now prisoners call me ‎and ask: ‘Why are we not being paid 100%?’ We told them that this was a ‎provocation by the US (apparently refers to the Taylor Force Act; see note below –‎Ed.) and currently there is [economic] distress for everyone. In other words, we can’t ‎enforce a double standard. There are also topics that we have discussed in the past ‎with the president, for example a prisoner is released from prison and receives a ‎released prisoner’s salary, without working and without doing anything. We raised ‎before President [Abbas] the need to absorb the [released] prisoners, so that no one ‎will feel that he is at a high level and sits [idly by]. We have [prisoners who are ‎released] with degrees – matriculation, BA, MA, and Ph.D. Why should we not ‎absorb them into the PA institutions? Praise Allah, a number of days ago the ‎president agreed to this suggestion and assembled a committee of the highest ‎levels led by Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, to begin absorbing these ‎prisoners. We have 7,000-8,000 released prisoners who are receiving a salary like ‎this. This is also being exploited against us in Europe, the US, and Israel - that they ‎receive a salary because they killed and did this and that. The prisoner himself ‎needs to feel that he is giving, dedicating [himself].” …‎

Host: “They will be absorbed in positions? In other words-”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Yes, security positions – the [PA] Security Forces, or in the ‎governmental ministries, the institutions of the PA, and its authorities. This is a very ‎positive program.” …‎

Host: “However, the topic does not begin and end just with the universities. In other ‎words, the headquarter buildings of the Commission also have not paid their rents ‎for a while.”‎

Qadri Abu Bakr: “Not only the Commission, also the governmental ministries. They ‎briefed me that there are many governmental ministries that are not paying like us. ‎We have the matter of the vehicles, we have the matter of the [public] employees in ‎the organizational structure, we have countless problems. So too in other ‎governmental ministries there are problems… The political situation is also a ‎reflection of the economic situation.”‎

[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Sept. 7, 2020]‎


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