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The UAE and Bahrain =‎ ‎“worms exposed by the sun,”‎ Netanyahu = a “distorted copy of Mussolini”‎ ‎– says top PA/Fatah official

Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub: "At this circus (i.e., ‎signing of peace treaties at the White House), I think the swamps have dried ‎up and these worms (i.e., UAE and Bahrain leaders) have become exposed ‎to the sun. Who would have believed that an Arab leader would stand like a ‎dwarf facing [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu and not mention Jerusalem? ‎‎… I think that even their speeches were written for them at the White House, ‎and certainly in Tel Aviv of course…This is a ridiculous, stupid, and cheap ‎comedy… What happened is [the result of] dictates from the current fascist ‎administration, and this racist whose name is Netanyahu who is a distorted ‎copy of Mussolini, and of everything that happened in the 1930s and 1940s ‎in Europe.‎"

Jibril Rajoub

Israeli peace agreements with the UAE and Bahrain

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