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PA: Arab peace makers are “enemies of the Islamic society,” “worms ‎exposed by the sun,” and Netanyahu is a “distorted copy of Mussolini” ‎

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

PA to Arab peace makers:

“These are connections that in reality will be nothing more than ‎the connection between a master and his slave.”‎

‎“Tomorrow the US and the White House will ask you to erase the ‎Hadiths (i.e., Prophetic sayings) and the verses of the Quran that ‎are connected to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.”‎

An endless stream of insults from the PA has been pouring down on the heads of the ‎Arab states that dared normalize and agree to make peace with Israel.‎

While the initial announcements of peace elicited accusations of “betrayal,” ‎seeing the foreign ministers of the UAE and Bahrain actually sign the ‎agreements with Netanyahu and Trump at the White House, took the insults ‎up a notch.‎

A fuming Jibril Rajoub - Fatah’s Central Committee Secretary - likened the ‎Arab foreign ministers to “worms” exposed by the sun, and Netanyahu to ‎fascist Mussolini: ‎

Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub: “At this circus (i.e., ‎signing of peace treaties at the White House), I think the swamps ‎have dried up and these worms (i.e., UAE and Bahrain leaders) ‎have become exposed to the sun. Who would have believed that an ‎Arab leader would stand like a dwarf facing [Israeli Prime Minister] ‎Netanyahu and not mention Jerusalem? … I think that even their ‎speeches were written for them at the White House, and certainly in ‎Tel Aviv of course…This is a ridiculous, stupid, and cheap comedy… ‎What happened is [the result of] dictates from the current fascist ‎administration, and this racist whose name is Netanyahu who is a ‎distorted copy of Mussolini, and of everything that happened in the ‎‎1930s and 1940s in Europe.”‎

[Official PA TV, Sept. 15, 2020]‎

Abbas’ advisor called them nothing less than “enemies of the Islamic ‎society”:‎

Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations ‎Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “We’ll take this phenomenon (i.e., peace ‎between the UAE and Bahrain and Israel)… the period of Prophet ‎‎[Muhammad] – this ugly and awful phenomenon appeared, the ‎phenomenon of hypocrisy and hypocrites who are [not only] ‎superficially affiliated with Islamic society but are actually enemies ‎of the Islamic society”‎

[Official PA TV, Reexamination, Sept. 10, 2020]‎

Along the same lines, Fatah Spokesman Qawasmi accused the UAE and ‎Bahrain of being willing to “erase the Hadiths and verses of the Quran” ‎should the US demand it. He also threw in the old PA libel that Israel's only ‎motivation for signing peace agreements with Arab states is that it seeks to ‎destroy the entire Arab world: ‎

Official Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi: “I say to all the Arab ‎leaders, to those who have normalized and to those who are thinking ‎and dreaming that they can normalize: If you think that through ‎normalization with Israel you can be saved, you are hallucinating. ‎Who brings the fox into his home? Israel does not want the ‎success of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, or any state in the ‎region. It is interested in fragmenting the region. It is interested in ‎Iraq being destroyed and Syria being destroyed, and they will ‎anticipate the destruction of all the Gulf states… Today they praise ‎Israel – sheikhs who unfortunately have changed and become ‎hypocrites – and they say that Israel is the state of peace… I fear ‎that tomorrow the US and the White House will ask you to erase ‎the Hadiths (i.e., Prophetic sayings) and the verses of the Quran ‎that are connected to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, and you ‎‎(i.e, the UAE and Bahrain) will agree to this.”‎

[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, Sept. 23, 2020]‎

Similarly, an editorial in the official PA daily stated that the Arab states who ‎signed peace agreements with Israel are “Palestine’s enemies” and that the ‎relation with Israel will be that of “a master and his slave”:‎

‎“There is such a large degree of clarity and defiance in the speech of ‎the Palestinian truth, this truth pains Palestine’s enemies who have ‎begun to be deluded that the connections of normalization that they ‎are establishing can erase the Palestinian truth. These are ‎connections that in reality will be nothing more than the ‎connection between a master and his slave.”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 27, 2020]‎

The PA illustrated its feelings of having been betrayed by the Arab states ‎who signed peace with Israel in this cartoon

‎[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 27, 2020]‎

A Palestinian is carrying churches and mosques representing the Muslim ‎and Christian holy sites of Jerusalem to protect them. There is a blood ‎dripping target on his back with two knives sticking out of it, and a third knife ‎hurtling towards it. The first two knives represent the UAE and Bahrain, while ‎the third indicates whichever Arab country may be next to sign such an ‎agreement.‎

This is not the first time Rajoub compares Netanyahu or Israel to the Nazis, ‎as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed. He has even called PMW’s ‎director Itamar Marcus “Goebbels of the 21st century.” ‎

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:‎

Excerpt of an editorial by the official PA daily

Headline: “Palestine’s time”‎
‎“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech always was – and thus it will also ‎remain – the speech of the Palestinian truth…‎
Because there is such a large degree of clarity and defiance in the ‎speech of the Palestinian truth, this truth pains Palestine’s enemies who ‎have begun to be deluded that the connections of normalization that they ‎are establishing can erase the Palestinian truth (refers to peace ‎agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain; see note below –Ed.). ‎These are connections that in reality will be nothing more than the ‎connection between a master and his slave. In history there has not been ‎one slave who had the ability to make decisions, free will, and positions, and ‎there is no master who behaved tyrannically and arrogantly whose fate ‎inspired honor and whose end was happy!”‎

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 27, 2020]‎

Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations and Supreme ‎Shari’ah Judge and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah ‎Justice Mahmoud Al-Habbash: “We’ll take this phenomenon (i.e., peace ‎agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain; see note below) and ‎investigate it in the framework of Islamic history, far from other societies. ‎Even in Muslim society, even in the purest society that there was for the ‎Islamic nation and the purest period in Islamic history – the period of ‎prophecy, the period of Prophet [Muhammad], Allah’s blessing be upon him ‎‎– this ugly and awful phenomenon appeared, the phenomenon of ‎hypocrisy and hypocrites who are [not only] superficially affiliated with ‎Islamic society but are actually enemies of the Islamic society …‎
Today we in Palestine are suffering from the two matters, the Palestinian ‎people is suffering from the two matters under the occupation’s oppression. ‎This people is in need of our nation, in need of our nation – not just ‎words – with Palestine as the problem of the entire nation, and Jerusalem ‎as the problem of the entire nation. The entire nation is required to extend ‎its hand and put its hand with the hands of the Palestinian people and those ‎carrying out Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic) from ‎among the people of Palestine, whether with their bodies or by supplying ‎‎[material goods]. Along come some of the hypocrites, who are the ‎grandchildren of the first hypocrites. They are [working] according to the ‎same method, according to their method. They come and say: Don’t give ‎the Palestinians money, don’t help them until you force them to submit to ‎your will. The Americans are doing this, the enemies are doing this, the ‎occupation is doing this. It will never befit the nation to be among those ‎who say these things, it is impossible…‎
Indeed, money is an important element and factor for the stability of the ‎society, and it is essential. But what is more important than money is ‎principles… Today we are required to balance between these two factors ‎and elements: the element of principles, values, and basic principles, and ‎basic interests, materials, money, and needs for sustenance… Do we need ‎both things? Yes. We need principles and values, and need money and ‎interests, but what is most important for us and for every believer and ‎everyone who adheres to his faith – what is most important is principles. ‎We do not sell and do not exchange our principles, values, religion, faith, ‎and basic principles for money and interests.”‎

[Official PA TV, Reexmination, Sept. 10, 2020]‎

Al-Habbash also serves as Supreme Shari’ah Judge, Chairman of the ‎Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice.‎

Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub: “Today, at this circus ‎‎(i.e., signing of peace treaties at the White House), I think that the swamps ‎have dried up and these worms (i.e., leaders of the UAE and Bahrain) ‎have become exposed to the sun. Who would have believed that an Arab ‎leader would stand like a dwarf facing [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] ‎Netanyahu and not mention Jerusalem, and not refer to even the lowest ‎common denominator of the Arab [Peace] Initiative? I think that even their ‎speeches were written for them at the White House, and certainly in Tel ‎Aviv of course. They don't know what they have signed, and don't know ‎what they are saying. This is a ridiculous, stupid, and cheap comedy…‎
What happened is [the result of] dictates from the current fascist ‎administration, and this racist whose name is Netanyahu who is a ‎distorted copy of [former Italian fascist leader Benito] Mussolini, and of ‎everything that was in the 1930s and 1940s in Europe… Now they have ‎signed on behalf of their leaders – history will judge them, and their fate and ‎‎[the fate] of the one who led them will be the trash can of history. But we – ‎our pride, our honor, our resolve with a bare chest – we will flip over the table ‎on them and those who think that they can ignore this great people in the ‎homeland and in the diaspora.”‎

[Official PA TV, Sept. 15, 2020]‎

Jibril Rajoub

Osama Al-Qawasmi

Israeli peace agreements with the UAE and Bahrain (the Abraham Accords), Sudan, and Morocco

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