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PA: Murderer of pregnant woman and child is "heroic” and victim of “kidnapping” by Israel

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

According to the Palestinian Authority, Muhammad Daoud who in 1987 murdered, Ofra Moses, a pregnant Israeli woman and mother of four, and her 5-year-old son, Tal, by throwing a Molotov cocktail at their car, is “heroic.”

The PA’s hailing of Daoud as a hero for murdering an Israeli mother of four, came one week before yesterday’s murder of an Israeli mother of six, Esther Hurgan, near her home in Samaria.

Ignoring the fact that Daoud is a child murderer, the PA even portrays him as an innocent victim of Israel, which is said to have “kidnapped” Daoud – a euphemism for his arrest and subsequent imprisonment for life for these murders.

Official PA TV newsreader: “Prisoner Muhammad Daoud (i.e., murderer) has begun his 34th year in the occupation’s prisons…”
Official PA TV reporter: “On Dec. 8, 1987, with the outbreak of the first Intifada when young Muhammad Daoud was beginning his path in life, the occupation forces kidnapped him to be a prisoner in their prisons (i.e., he was arrested and imprisoned for murder)…”
PA-funded Prisoners’ Club Director in Qalqilya Lafi Nassoura: “We draw our faith in the certain victory from the resolve of this prisoner [Muhammad Daoud], and from the resolve of all the heroic prisoners.”

[Official PA TV News, Dec. 9, 2020]

In fact the PA values this murderer so much that it has paid him over 1.5 million shekels in salary under the PA’sPay-for-Slay program, which Palestinian Media Watch has exposed in detail. Through this program, which the PA has ratified by law, the PA generously rewards terrorists and murderers, be they imprisoned, released, wounded or dead - in which case the family receives the allowance.

Based on the assumption that the murderer is single and has no children, the PA would have rewarded him by now with 1,560,200 shekels (US$ 481,960). Every month, the PA pays him an additional 12,000 shekels (US$ 3,707). Some sources indicate Daoud is married and has at least two children. The PA’s salary supplement for married terrorists would bring the amount he has received from the PA to at least 1,640,600 shekels (US$ 506,796).

If arrested, Hurgan’s murderer will likewise be eligible for a starting terror salary of 1400 shekels a month, rising incrementally until it reaches 12,000 a month.  

Hurgan leaves behind six children. Her youngest celebrated his bar mitzvah just three months ago.

Abe Moses, the husband of Ofra and father of Tal, responded to PMW’s report as follows:

“The treatment of the lowly murderer who burned my family and murdered Ofra and Tal as a ‘hero’ is shocking and unacceptable. I jumped into the burning car to save my family, but I was unable to get Ofra out, and she was burned to death right before my eyes and the eyes of our children. After 90 days little Tal also died of his wounds. The fact that the murderer continues to live in good conditions in prison, including the ability to receive visits and study for a degree, critically harms the State of Israel’s deterrence. The PA’s payments to the terrorists must stop! It cannot be that the PA is praising the murderer and paying him more than 12,000 Israeli shekels a month just because he murdered Jews, just because he murdered my wife and my son.”

The first Intifada

Muhammad Adel Daoud

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