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A new chapter in the PA’s fictitious narrative of victimhood:‎ Terrorists are innocent, “executed by Israel” for no reason

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
  • PA Prime Minister’s libel: Two terrorist stabbers were ‎“executed” by Israel

  • One terrorist just “crossed the road and they executed him”‎

  • Another terrorist was “shot... while he was in the area”‎

  • PA demonization: “The children are dying from ‎the bullets of [Israeli] soldiers who are filled with hatred towards ‎everything Palestinian” 

When 17-year-old Palestinian Atallah Rayyan was shot and killed while trying to ‎stab and murder an Israeli soldier last week, the PA was quick to put out fake news, ‎telling Palestinians he was “executed.” ‎

Right away, the PA utilized the so-called “Martyrdom”-death of a terrorist to further its ‎narrative of victimhood, according to which every problem, crisis, and hardship is ‎Israel's fault. ‎

It follows that when young Palestinians heed the PA’s teachings and carry out “an ‎operation,” attacking Israeli soldiers with knives and getting killed in the process, ‎they are innocent according to the PA. ‎

Last week two such stabbings took place, and in both cases the Palestinian terrorist ‎stabbers were killed when Israeli soldiers defended themselves. But the Palestinian ‎public is told that they were innocent and just happened to be near the soldiers who ‎‎– according to the PA libel about Israeli policy – shoot to kill young Palestinians for ‎no reason. ‎

This whitewashing of attempted murder is coming from the very top of the PA: No ‎less than Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh fed the libel, repeating the lie that ‎Israel has a policy of “summary executions”: ‎

Shtayyeh: “The [Israeli] killings of young Palestinians have also expanded ‎according to the policy of opening fire to kill, or the policy of summary ‎execution. Last week, we lost two Martyrs who were shot by the occupation at ‎the two checkpoints of the colonies Ariel and Gush Etzion (i.e., Atallah ‎Rayyan and an unidentified second terrorist stabber).”‎

[Official PA TV, Feb. 1, 2021]‎

Official PA TV chimed in too, claiming one of the stabbers was shot just because he ‎‎“was in the area”: ‎

Official PA TV newsreader: “A young person whose identity is still unknown ‎died as a Martyr after the occupation’s soldiers shot him south of ‎Bethlehem (refers to an unidentified terrorist who attempted to stab Israeli ‎soldiers before being shot and killed; the attack was captured by security ‎cameras -Ed.). Our reporter said the occupation forces at [Gush] Etzion ‎Junction shot the young person while he was in the area, and as a result ‎he was severely wounded and they left him bleeding on the ground until ‎he ascended [to Heaven] as a Martyr.”‎

[Official PA TV News, Jan. 31, 2021]‎

Likewise, the official PA news agency claimed that stabber Atallah Rayyan just ‎‎“crossed the road” when Israeli soldiers “filled with hatred towards everything ‎Palestinian… murdered him in cold blood”:‎

‎“The [Palestinian] children are dying from the bullets of [Israeli] soldiers ‎who are filled with hatred towards everything Palestinian, soldiers who ‎suspect a young man or woman who pass by them, live in fear of ‎everything connected to them – even their stares, touch their rifle triggers, ‎and shoot to kill, even though they are fortified behind pieces of iron and ‎cement and inside military towers…‎
Atallah is one of dozens of names [of people] whom the occupation has ‎executed on the roads of the land… All that Atallah did was to cross the ‎road quickly (sic.)… ‎
Atallah’s issue is the story of most of the Mart.yrs – they are murdered in ‎cold blood…”‎

[WAFA, official PA news agency, Jan. 27, 2021;  
official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 27, 2021]‎

The “.” in the word “Mart.yrs” appears in the Facebook post version of the article in an ‎apparent attempt to avoid Facebook’s algorithm which searches and deletes Fatah ‎Facebook posts that glorify Martyrs.In the identical WAFA version the word is written ‎normally: “Martyr.”‎

The libel that Israelis deliberately target Palestinian children to kill them is often ‎repeated by the PA, and even broadcast to young Palestinian children on children’s ‎programs on TV, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed: ‎

Official PA TV children’s host Walaa Al-Battat: “Unfortunately – and this is ‎a very painful thing that I want to tell you about – a number of friends have ‎lost their right to live because the occupation is deliberately killing the ‎Palestinian children, and this is a very painful thing.”‎

[Official PA TV, The Best Home, Nov. 21, 2020]‎

As is its policy, Abbas’ Fatah glorified stabber Atallah Rayyan as “heroic,” while ‎Abbas sent his deputy chairman Al-Aloul to convey condolences to the family:‎

Posted text: “Allah’s mercy upon him”‎

Text on image: “The Fatah Movement eulogizes the son of the town ‎Qarawat Bani Hassan and its pure-hearted Martyr – heroic Martyr Atallah ‎Muhammad Harb Rayyan”‎

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 26, 2021]‎

Posted text: On behalf of [PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas] and the ‎Fatah leadership: [Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee ‎member Mahmoud] Al-Aloul offers condolences to the relatives of Martyr ‎Atallah Rayyan. Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul ‘Abu Jihad’ ‎offered condolences on behalf of the president, the Palestinian leadership, ‎and Fatah [to the relatives of] young Atallah Rayyan as part of his visit today ‎‎[Jan. 28, 2021] to the town of Qarawat Bani Hassan in Salfit to fulfill the ‎obligation of visiting the mourners. Al-Aloul conveyed the sincere ‎condolences of His Honor President [Abbas] and the leadership to the ‎Martyr’s relatives and his family.” ‎

[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 28, 2021]‎

The following are longer excerpts of the statements above and additional ‎reports:‎

PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh: “On a different matter, the [Israeli] ‎violence and attacks are continuing – the terror and attacks of the settlers and ‎the occupation army are continuing. The magnitude of the destruction of ‎Palestinian homes in the Palestinian villages, Jerusalem, and its surroundings ‎have reached an unprecedented scope. The [Israeli] killings of young ‎Palestinians have also expanded according to the policy of opening fire to kill, ‎or the policy of summary execution (sic.). Last week, we lost two Martyrs who ‎were shot by the occupation at the two checkpoints of the colonies Ariel and ‎Gush Etzion.  (i.e., Atallah Rayyan and a second unidentified terrorist, both ‎attempted to stab Israeli soldiers). I send condolences to their families. On your ‎behalf I also send condolences to the family of prisoner Martyr Maher Sa’sa (PMW ‎was unable to determine the nature of his crimes -Ed.) in Qalqilya, who died as a ‎Martyr in the occupation’s prisons due to the policy of medical neglect (sic., see ‎note below regarding the PA libel on medical abuse of Palestinian prisoners).”‎

[Official PA TV, Feb. 1, 2021]‎

The “young Palestinians” Shtayyeh refers to are terrorist Atallah Rayyan and another ‎unidentified terrorist, who both attempted to stab Israeli soldiers. ‎

Atallah Muhammad Rayyan

The other as of yet unidentified terrorist attempted to stab Israeli soldiers at the ‎Gush Etzion Junction south of Jerusalem on Jan. 31, 2021, before the Israeli soldiers ‎shot him in self-defense. ‎

Summary executions

Headline: “Atallah – he crossed the road quickly and they executed him”‎
‎“While the occupation’s intelligence service informed Muhammad Harb Rayyan by ‎phone that his son, young Atallah [Rayyan] (i.e., terrorist, attempted to stab Israeli ‎soldiers), 17, had died as a Martyr, the occupation army’s female soldier Lian ‎Harush was speaking with her relatives living in London to tell them she was ‎present at the site and was not hurt (Rayyan attempted to stab Harush multiple ‎times, but she was able to fend him off until another soldier shot him -Ed.).‎
This is how it works on the ground – those who come from London must be at ‎their best and always be prepared to shoot the Palestinians, who are ‎considered a legitimate target for the occupation’s soldiers just because they ‎pass next to a military point, or even near soldiers who are deployed at the road ‎junctions in the occupied West Bank.‎
‎‘Your son’s life is over’ – in this way, with full simplicity, in a short conversation, one ‎of the most difficult things that a family could have revealed to them. The children ‎are dying from the bullets of soldiers who are filled with hatred towards ‎everything Palestinian, soldiers who suspect a young man or woman who pass ‎by them, live in fear of everything connected to them – even their stares, touch ‎their rifle triggers, and shoot to kill, even though they are fortified behind pieces ‎of iron and cement and inside military towers…‎
Atallah is one of dozens of names [of people] whom the occupation has ‎executed on the roads of the land, particularly between the years of 2015-2020, ‎which are the years in which a growing escalation was seen in the crimes of the ‎occupation and its settlers at the checkpoints and military points.‎
All that Atallah did was to cross the road quickly (sic.) – the car traffic is fast there ‎and the traffic lights are in three directions. This is in addition to there being ‎surveillance cameras, three military points, and a surveillance tower where there are ‎soldiers armed with weapons. All of this is in a space of no more than 100 meters. ‎At that very spot and at that very road young Elias Yassin (i.e., terrorist, ‎attempted to stab an Israeli soldier) from the town of Bidya was executed three ‎years ago.‎
The father of the Mart.yr (thmoshe8789moe “.” appears in the Facebook post version of the article ‎in an apparent attempt to avoid Facebook’s algorithm, while in the WAFA version ‎the word is written normally: “Martyr” -Ed.), Muhammad Rayyan, who works with ‎marble on Rujeib Street in Nablus, said: ‘I asked Atallah to help me as much as he ‎could, I called him and asked him to come to me after the exam; I waited for him, but ‎he did not come. Instead, I got a phone call telling me that he died as a Mart.yr (as ‎above -Ed.).’ …‎
Atallah’s issue is the story of most of the Mart.yrs (as above -Ed.) – they are ‎murdered in cold blood, their bodies are held for years in the occupation’s ‎‎[morgue] refrigerators, and their relatives are even forbidden from saying ‎goodbye to them.”‎

[WAFA, official PA news agency, Jan. 27, 2021;  
official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 27, 2021]‎

Elias Yassin

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