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D for Death - D for Dalal

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus  |

The PA piles honors on terrorist Dalal Mughrabi
who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history
- the Coastal Road massacre -
in which 37 were murdered, among them 12 children

  • PA and Fatah: Mass murderer of children is a“the symbol of the Palestinian revolution” and “a guiding light”

  • “Dalal Mughrabi… shocked Israel to its foundations”

  • PA exaggerates “success,” claiming the “operation led to the death of hundreds killed and wounded on the Israeli side.”

  • PA names square in Jenin after terrorist Mughrabi

  • PA official about Dalal Mughrabi Square: “to immortalize the memory of the heroic Martyr who carried out a daring self-sacrificing operation and watered the pure land of Palestine with her blood”

  • Honored also by PA TV, official Fatah Facebook, Fatah Nablus Facebook and the official PA daily

One of the Palestinian Authority’s greatest icons and role models is Dalal Mughrabi.

But she was not a doctor, not a lawyer, and not a sportswoman – nor anything else admirable as one might expect.

She was a terrorist who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history.

In what is known as the Coastal Road massacre, Dalal Mughrabi and her team of terrorists sailed from Lebanon to Israel on March 11, 1978, hijacked a bus and murdered 37 of the Israeli civilians on board, among them 12 children.

As it is PA policy to honor anyone who attacked and succeeded in killing Israelis, mass murderer Dalal Mughrabi is their perfect hero. Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that the PA has named squares, summer camps, and institutions after this murderer, and PA Chairman Abbas has even celebrated her “birthday.”

This year too, on both International Women’s Day and on the anniversary of the attack, the PA and Fatah glorified her – as role model for women, and as the model terrorist because she killed many Israelis.

In the PA, it’s simply D for Death, D for Dalal.

So much so that recently the PA established yet another Dalal Mughrabi Square. This time it was done by the Jenin municipality in cooperation with a branch of the Fatah Movement.

Jenin Mayor Fayez Al-Sa’adi emphasized the PA’s view of Dalal Mughrabi as a “daring” hero, repeating the PA ideal of watering Palestinian soil with one’s blood:

This monument comes to immortalize the memory of the heroic Martyr who carried out a daring self-sacrificing operation (i.e., terror attack) and watered the pure land of Palestine with her blood so that its memory would remain alive in the memory of the generations.”

[, website of the paper Al-Quds, Oct. 2, 2020]

He further stressed the “adherence to the path of the Martyrs.”

In its official paper, the PA eulogized “fighter Dalal Mughrabi,” and praised her terror group’s “courage,” which enabled them to disembark unnoticed by the Israelis. It also repeated the PA’s narrative about the attack, falsely claiming that the terrorists hijacked a bus with “soldier passengers” when it was in fact a bus full of Israeli civilians on vacation. Moreover, to amplify the “success” of the “operation,” the paper exaggerated the number of murdered Israelis, claiming the “operation led to the death of hundreds of killed and wounded on the Israeli side.” Significantly, exaggerating the number of murdered Israelis makes the terrorist more heroic. The account rightly stated that “Mughrabi blow up the bus and its passengers”:

 The article includes two images. On the left is an photoshopped image of terrorist Mughrabi, showing her wearing a keffiyeh. The image on the right is a photograph from the time of the attack in which Mughrabi’s body is being lifted by an Israeli soldier.

“Yesterday was the 43rd anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Palestinian female fighter Dalal Mughrabi
On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi disembarked with her squad from two ships that passed opposite the Palestinian coast (i.e., Israeli coast), and the operation of disembarking to the coast and arriving succeeded without the Israelis discovering them, because they did not correctly estimate the Palestinians’ courage.

Dalal and her squad succeeded in reaching the direction of Tel Aviv and they took control of a bus with all its soldier passengers (sic., all the passengers were civilians on vacation). When the confrontation with the Israeli parties outside the bus arrived, this operation led to the death of hundreds of killed and wounded on the Israeli side (sic., in total, 37 civilians were murdered and over 70 wounded). In light of the great losses, the Israeli government appointed a special group of the army led by [then Israeli military commander] Ehud Barak to stop the bus and to kill and arrest its passengers. They used planes and tanks to surround the self-sacrificing fighters, which made Dalal Mughrabi blow up the bus and its passengers, which led to the killing of the soldiers and the Israelis (sic., Israeli civilians).”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 12, 2021]

Fatah also paid tribute to murderer Mughrabi by posting photos of her and her terror group and the burnt out bus:

 In between the photos of the terrorists are the names of the following Israeli cities, suggesting they are part of “Palestine” to be liberated:
Jaffa, Ramle, Haifa, Acre, Nazareth, Safed, Beit Shean, and Be’er Sheva.

 Posted text: “43 years since the death as a Martyr of the first female Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter Dalal Mughrabi

[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Nablus Branch, March 12, 2021]

A Fatah representative glorified Mughrabi as “a guiding light”:

Fatah Director of Women’s Affairs in Khan Yunis, Gaza, Lamia Al-Jarf: “We are still making promises to [the Martyrs] and we will remain loyal to their pure blood until victory, until [the establishment of] the Palestinian state and until [sovereignty over] Jerusalem. We are following their revolutionary footsteps. We send a blessing to the souls of our pure-hearted Martyrs… and to our Martyr Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist, led murder of 37, incl. 12 children) who is a guiding light to the Fatah women who with their pure blood have recorded the most excellent battles of heroism and self-sacrifice.”

[Official PA TV News, March 13, 2021]

Fatah also posted a video on Facebook in which they praise Mughrabi as “the symbol of the Palestinian revolution” and tell the supposedly admirable story of how she already from a young age “joined the Palestinian self-sacrificing movement.” The video further promotes the Palestinian version of the attack, falsely claiming that the terrorists hijacked “a military bus.” The narrator specifically states that 37 Israelis were murdered:

Posted text on Facebook: “#Dalal_Mughrabi
The symbol of the Palestinian revolution

Text on screen: “Dalal Mughrabi
Born in 1958 in the Sabra refugee camp

Dalal joined the Palestinian self-sacrificing movement while she was still in school

At the age of 20, Dalal was selected to command the Deir Yassin squad that was composed of 12 self-sacrificing fighters

Dalal and her squad were selected to carry out an operation (i.e., terror attack) planned by Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir ‘Abu Jihad’ (i.e., terrorist, planned murder of 125)

which included taking control of an Israeli military bus (sic., a civilian bus) and driving towards Tel Aviv…

Dalal and her squad infiltrated [Israel] on March 11, 1978, from the territory of Lebanon

The squad disembarked the boat that passed opposite the Palestinian coast (i.e., Israeli coast)

The self-sacrificing fighters reached the main road and took control of a bus, and they had it drive towards Tel Aviv

The occupation government appointed a special group from the army to stop the bus and kill or arrest its self-sacrificing fighter passengers

Large forces of tanks and planes pursued the bus until it was stopped next to the settlement of Herzliya (i.e., Israeli city north of Tel Aviv)

The squad confronted the Israeli forces and Dalal died as a Martyr together with her comrades, while two were captured

For the Israeli enemy, 37 were killed and dozens were wounded, but it did not reveal the number of those killed in the army (sic., only civilians were killed)

The [Palestinian] National Liberation Movement – Fatah
Commission of Information and Culture – Southern Branches”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement – Nablus Branch, March 12, 2021]

Member of Fatah’s Information Office in Beirut, Nadira Sarhan, chose to specifically mention murderer Mughrabi on occasion of International Women’s Day, stressing the that she “shocked Israel to its foundations”:

“Regarding… the importance that the Fatah Movement attributes to women… women have been marching shoulder to shoulder alongside the men, and Fatah has given them a large space to express their capabilities and energies, because Fatah believes that the Palestinian women are capable of giving and capable of creating. We will also remember that we are approaching the anniversary of the death as a Martyr of sister Dalal Mughrabi, who shocked Israel to its foundations.”

[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, March 8, 2021]

This Fatah cartoon shows the terror cell led by Mughrabi sailing in a rubber dinghy flying a Palestinian flag, on their way to Israel to carry out the attack. In the bottom left corner is the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine,” and underneath it is written in English: “I’m a Palestinian.”

Posted text: “Dalal Mughrabi and her Martyr comrades”

 [Official Fatah Facebook page, March 11, 2021]

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

Headline: “Establishing a square named after Martyr Dalal Mughrabi in Jenin”
“The construction and decoration of a square named after Martyr Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children) was completed today [Oct. 2, 2020] in the city [of Jenin], which was carried out by the [former PLO Chairman and PA President] Martyr Yasser Arafat branch of the Fatah Movement in partnership with the municipality and the Al-Takaful insurance company.

[Jenin] Mayor Fayez Al-Sa’adi emphasized that this monument comes to immortalize the memory of the heroic Martyr who carried out a daring self-sacrificing operation (i.e., terror attack) and watered the pure land of Palestine with her blood so that its memory would remain alive in the memory of the generations. He also emphasized the adherence to the path of the Martyrs who we will not forget, and our people will not abandon their blood.”

[, website of the paper Al-Quds, Oct. 2, 2020]

Dalal Mughrabi

Headline: “43 years since the death as a Martyr of female fighter Dalal Mughrabi”
“Yesterday [March 11, 2021] was the 43rd anniversary of the death as a Martyr of Palestinian female fighter Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children)…

On the morning of March 11, 1978, Mughrabi disembarked with her squad from two ships that passed opposite the Palestinian coast (i.e., Israeli coast), and the operation of disembarking to the coast and arriving succeeded without the Israelis discovering them, because they did not correctly estimate the Palestinians’ courage.

Dalal and her squad succeeded in reaching the direction of Tel Aviv and they took control of a bus with all its soldier passengers (sic., all the passengers were civilians on vacation). When the confrontation with the Israeli parties outside the bus arrived, this operation led to the death of hundreds of killed and wounded on the Israeli side (sic., in total, 37 civilians were murdered and over 70 wounded). In light of the great losses, the Israeli government appointed a special group of the army led by [then Israeli military commander] Ehud Barak to stop the bus and to kill and arrest its passengers. They used planes and tanks to surround the self-sacrificing fighters, which made Dalal Mughrabi blow up the bus and its passengers, which led to the killing of the soldiers and the Israelis (sic., Israeli civilians).”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 12, 2021]

Official PA TV host:“March, the month of heroism and loyalty: [International] Women’s Day – the female Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded; the mothers of the Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded; the comrades in our long struggle. With their patience… they have dealt with things and reached the front lines, and they have achieved their place… [as] comrades in the struggle and in building and realizing the dream… Happy holiday to the women of Palestine and the women of the world!”

Member of Fatah’s Information Office in Beirut Nadira Sarhan: “Regarding… the importance that the Fatah Movement attributes to women, as we know [for] Fatah, from the day of its Intilaqa (i.e., the anniversary of “the Launch” of Fatah, counted from its first terror attack against Israel) in 1965, women have been marching shoulder to shoulder alongside the men, and Fatah has given them a large space to express their capabilities and energies, because Fatah believes that the Palestinian women are capable of giving and capable of creating. We will also remind that we are approaching the anniversary of the death as a Martyr of sister Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children), who shocked Israel to its foundations.”

PA Ministry of Women’s Affairs Director of Contact with Arab States and International Contact Khuloud Nasser: “Regarding the challenges, the greatest challenge facing the Palestinian women and Palestinian society in general is the occupation’s policy of discrimination and arbitrary acts… The occupation is the greatest challenge… that we are all dealing with.”

[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, March 8, 2021]

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