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PA honors 16 terrorist murderers at boys’ school

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

What do 16 terrorist prisoners serving life sentences in Israeli prisons have in common other than having murdered Israelis?

The PA inaugurated a garden in their honor at a PA school for boys!

To honor 16 terrorists serving one or numerous life sentences for murdering Israelis, Jenin District Governor Akram Rajoub and Salam Al-Taher, who serves as Head of the Educational Directorate in Jenin - a branch of the PA Ministry of Education - established the “Freedom to the Life Sentence Prisoners Garden” at the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys.

At the event, in which representatives from Fatah and “official institutions, security institutions, non-governmental institutions… the [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club, and the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs” participated, olive tree seedlings “named after the life sentence prisoners” were planted. Reporting on the inauguration, the official PA daily noted that “the speakers emphasized that there is one message in inaugurating the garden: We adhere to the prisoners’ cause and stand alongside them.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 22, 2022] – In other words: The PA condones and encourages terror and murder of Israelis!

The terrorists glorified by the PA in the new garden either directly murdered Israelis, planned attacks, recruited, aided, and primed suicide bombers, or prepared bombs. All terrorists are praised as “heroic prisoners” on signs with their names by the olive tree saplings.

This is not the first PA school at which kids are taught to honor and admire murderers through an innocent looking garden with olive trees. Palestinian Media Watch has documented a similar initiative at a girls’ school in Jenin. At the inauguration of this garden, the same PA education official, Salam Al-Taher, explained the importance of teaching Palestinian children about “freedom” and “our heroic prisoners” such as Karim and Maher Younes who kidnapped and murdered an Israeli soldier.

Photos from the recent event at the boys’ school posted on Facebook, show the olive tree seedlings and the names of some of the terrorist murderers the PA Ministry of Education found suitable for being honored in the garden: (All the following photos are from the Facebook page of the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys, March 21, 2022)

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Islam Saleh Jarrar”

Islam Saleh Jarrar

Signs: “Heroic prisoner Hassan Rateb Aweis” and “Heroic prisoner Abd Al-Karim Aweis”

Hassan Rateb Aweis

Abd Al-Karim Aweis

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Yusuf Abu Qandil”

Yusuf Abu Qandil

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Muhammad Jamal Aql”

Muhammad Aql

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Muntasar Abu Ghalyoun”

Muntasar Abu Ghalyoun

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Nahar Al-Sa’adi”

Nahar Ahmed Al-Sa’adi

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Ali Suleiman Al-Sa’adi”

Ali Suleiman Al-Sa’adi

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Jamal Abu Al-Hija”

Jamal Abu Al-Hija

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Shadi Ibrahim Ammouri”

Shadi Ibrahim Ammouri

Sign: “Heroic prisoner Ali Abd Al-Latif Sayes”

Ali Abd Al-Latif Sayes

Another photo documents that Palestinian scouts also participated in the event:

A sign at the new garden with Palestinian flags waving behind it says:

“Freedom to the Life Sentence Prisoners of Jenin and Its Refugee Camp Garden
The garden was inaugurated in cooperation with the brothers in the Syrian Arab Golan Heights in the 2021-2022 academic year”

Posted text: “Praise Allah, the Freedom to the Life Sentence Prisoners Garden was inaugurated. Thanks to everyone who took part in establishing this project.”

[Facebook page of the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys, March 21, 2022]

The following are longer excerpts of the statements cited above:

Headline: “Freedom to the Life Sentence Prisoners Garden is inaugurated in Jenin”

“Yesterday, Monday [March 21, 2022], Jenin District Governor Akram Rajoub and Head of the Educational Directorate [in Jenin] (i.e., branch of the PA Ministry of Education) Salam Al-Taher, in cooperation with a delegation from the occupied Syrian Golan Heights (i.e., in northern Israel), inaugurated the Freedom to the Life Sentence Prisoners Garden. They planted 16 olive tree seedlings named after the life sentence prisoners from Jenin and its refugee camp.

A rally was held at the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys schoolyard and a procession of scouts took place at the school, with the participation of District Governor Rajoub, Al-Taher, a delegation from the occupied Syrian Golan Heights led by released prisoner Sidqi Al-Maqt (i.e., terrorist, committed espionage against Israel), a delegation from the 1948 territories (i.e., Israel), [Izz A-Din Elementary] School Principal Saed Hushiya, Fatah [Jenin] Branch member Osama Bazzour, the national action factions, representatives of the official institutions, security institutions, and non-governmental institutions, released prisoners and their relatives, and also representatives of Fatah, the [PA-funded] Prisoners’ Club, and the [PLO] Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs.

The speakers emphasized that there is one message in inaugurating the garden: We adhere to the prisoners’ cause and stand alongside them.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 22, 2022]

The article includes a picture from the event.

Sidqi Al-Maqt

Additional photos and text posted on the Facebook page of the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys:

The photo shows the schoolyard of the Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys where the event was held. A large monument in the shape of the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine” is seen, with a Syrian flag on either side of it in honor of a visiting delegation from the Golan Heights that the PA defines as “the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.” On the wall in the background on the right is a mural featuring the PA map of “Palestine.”

A Druze member of the delegation from the Golan Heights is seen carrying a sign featuring a picture of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Text on sign: “Thanks and appreciation

The Izz A-Din Elementary School for Boys in Jenin greatly thanks the residents of the Syrian Arab Golan Heights for the unceasing aid in establishing the Freedom [to the Life Sentence Prisoners] Garden at the school”

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