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PA teaches kids to admire terrorist responsible for murder of 35, erects garden to ‎honor terrorist prisoners

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Palestinian girls taught to honor:

  • Planner of Passover suicide bombing in which 30 were murdered and shopping mall bombing in which 5 were murdered

  • Terrorist responsible for murder of 7

  • Terrorist involved in murder of 7

  • Head of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's  internationally designated terror organization) in Jenin during the PA terror campaign (2000-2005)

  • Head of the PFLP terror organization

Under the auspices of Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr and the Tulkarem Education Directorate – which is under the PA Ministry of Education – the PA inaugurated a garden at the Al-Adawiya High School for Girls in Tulkarem to celebrate and glorify terrorist murderers.

The garden will remind the young girls to honor and admire what the PA calls “the freedom tunnel prisoners” - 6 terrorist prisoners who temporarily escaped the Gilboa Prison in 2021. The 6 are imprisoned for planning and carrying out numerous terror attacks, including suicide bombings and shooting attacks. (See note below)

At the school event, students held posters with photos of terrorist prisoners, among them imprisoned terrorist Abbas Al-Sayid, who was responsible for the murder of 35. Abbas Al-Sayid planned two suicide bombings, one at a Passover dinner at the Park Hotel in Netanya, in which 30 were murdered on March 27, 2002, and another outside a shopping mall in Netanya, in which 5 were murdered on May 18, 2001. Al-Sayid is serving 35 life sentences for these crimes. On his garden event poster is written: “Abbas Al-Sayid – because you are free, support their freedom”:

[Facebook page of the Al-Adawiya High School for Girls in Tulkarem, April 19, 2022]

The female students also hold posters of terrorist prisoners Samer Al-Atrash, who was involved in the murder of 7, and of Ahmad Sa’adat, head of the PFLP terror organization.

Standing third from the right in the front row is Tulkarem Education Directorate Head Saed Qabha.

Posters of terrorist prisoners held by even younger students included Nasser Abu Hmeid, who was responsible for the murder of 7, and Zakariya Zubeidi, one of the 6 escapees who was head of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's military wing) in the Jenin area during the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005), when he oversaw numerous lethal attacks on whose poster is written: “The dragon defeats the hunter”.

Dedicating school gardens in honor of terrorist murderers is apparently PA policy. Palestinian Media Watch reported earlier this month that the PA similarly honored 16 murderers at a boys’ school. The PA inaugurated a garden at the school in honor of terrorists serving one or numerous life sentences for murdering Israelis.

A display at the event at the girls’ school in Tulkarem also featured six soldier figurines together with the text: “The freedom prisoners,” in a reference to the six terrorist prisoners who temporarily escaped from Gilboa Prison.

The image shows a display showing support for terrorist Zakariya Zubeidi. He is represented by an action figure of the character Finn from the Star Wars film series with a weapon in one hand and a spoon attached to his other hand, in reference to the spoon the prisoners used to dig their way out to escape. Behind the figure is a sign with the following text: “With determination we executed this decision (the freedom tunnel) [parentheses in source]”

The event also included the unveiling of a monument showing two chained hands making the “V” for victory, symbolizing support for the prisoners.

The following is a longer excerpt of the report on the inauguration of the new garden as well as additional photos from the event:

The images are from the inauguration of “the prisoners’ garden” at the Al-Adawiya High School for Girls in Tulkarem by the Tulkarem Education Directorate, which is under the PA Ministry of Education, on April 18, 2022:

Posted text: “#Freedom_to_our_brave_prisoners

A girl apparently dressed as a grim reaper threatening to take away the prisoners as part of a play put on at the event.

A girl playing an Israeli soldier striking a girl playing a Palestinian prisoner as part of a play at the event.

Several displays at the event, including one on the left showing the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel together with the PA areas as “Palestine.”

Another display of the PA map of “Palestine” in the center of the schoolyard.

[Facebook page of the Al-Adawiya High School for Girls in Tulkarem, April 19, 2022]

“Yesterday [April 18, 2022] under the auspices of Tulkarem District Governor Issam Abu Bakr, the [Tulkarem] Education Directorate (i.e., under the PA Ministry of Education) inaugurated the prisoners’ garden at the Al-Adawiya High School for Girls in [Tulkarem], as part of the events to mark Palestinian Prisoner’s Day.

The garden includes two parts: In the first are pictures of the freedom tunnel prisoners (i.e., 6 terrorist prisoners who temporarily escaped Gilboa Prison; see note below)… and in the second part of the garden are murals presenting the suffering of the prisoners in the occupation’s prison…

Tulkarem Education Directorate Head Saed Qabha noted that the launch of this exhibition is a simple event, but is one that expresses the prisoners’ love for this school, especially because a month ago some of them, and more precisely from wing 3 of the desert Ramon Prison, donated a sum of money to the Al-Adawiya School to support it…

Tulkarem District Governor’s Representative Ibrahim Abd Al-‘Al noted that the prisoners are worthy of support and aid in light of the suffering that they are experiencing in the prison cells…

Tulkarem Mayor Riyad Awad thanked those responsible for this activity from among the education community. He expressed his appreciation for the Al-Adawiya School’s efforts and for its loyalty to the prisoners.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 19, 2022]

2021 Gilboa Prison escape

Abbas Al-Sayid

Samer Al-Atrash

Ahmad Sa’adat

Nasser Abu Hmeid

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