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Fatah boasts 7,200 terror attacks against Israel “shaded by the PA” in 2022 alone and criticizes Hamas for not attacking

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Official Fatah Facebook page:

  • “Shaded by the [Palestinian] Authority the West Bank is burning and is not calming down”
  • “More than 7,200 acts of resistance (i.e., terror incidents) since the start of 2022 in the West Bank”
  • Fatah committed 76 shooting attacks in one month!
  • “Acts that include shooting at Israeli targets, confrontations and repelling invasions, infiltrations and carrying out high-quality operations, locally produced explosives and Molotov cocktails, [throwing] rocks”
  • “[Hamas] is targeting the PA, but Hamas is not participating in the resistance that is burning under the rule of the PA in the West Bank”

Official PA daily editorial also bragged about Fatah’s role in terror, criticizing Hamas for doing nothing:

  • “The resistance today exists throughout the occupied Palestinian West Bank, but Hamas is not here… The Martyrs today [who are dying] during the strugglemost of them are members of the Fatah Movement and some of them are from the Al-Quds Brigades (i.e., Islamic Jihad’s military wing)”

In a video posted by Fatah’s Commission of Information and Culture showing numerous violent confrontations and shooting attacks by Palestinian terrorists, PA Chairman Abbas’ movement prides itself on leading the terror against Israel.

No less than 7,200 terror attacks – “acts of resistance” in Palestinian terminology – is the number of terror attacks launched by Fatah against Israel "Shaded by the PA" since the beginning of the year. Fatah furthermore takes pride in the types of attacks:

  • “Shooting at Israeli targets”
  • “Confrontations and repelling invasions”
  • “Infiltrations”
  • “Carrying out high-quality operations”
  • “Locally produced explosives and Molotov cocktails”
  • “[Throwing] rocks”

Promoting itself as the prime instigator of “the resistance that is burning under the rule of the PA in the West Bank,” Fatah criticizes terror organization Hamas for doing nothing. “Not [even] a faint voice or anything new has been heard from Hamas,” the movement complains: 

Text on screen: “The number is 7,200

Shaded by the [Palestinian] Authority

the West Bank is burning and is not calming down

and not [even] a faint voice or anything new has been heard from Hamas

More than 7,200 acts of resistance (i.e., terror incidents) since the start of 2022 in the West Bank

Acts that include shooting at Israeli targets, confrontations and repelling invasions, infiltrations and carrying out high-quality operations, locally produced explosives and Molotov cocktails, [throwing] rocks at the occupation forces, demonstrations and confronting the settlers.

April [2022]
is the month in which there were the most acts of resistance, when 1,510 acts of resistance were recorded, 76 of which were acts of shooting

The number 1,111 quoted by a Hamas commander [was] the number of rockets he would fire at Israel in the first volley

In practice, after Al-Sinwar’s announcement, the Islamic Jihad Movement was abandoned [by Hamas] to fight a battle in the Gaza Strip alone

[Hamas] is targeting the PA, but Hamas is not participating in the resistance that is burning under the rule of the PA in the West Bank

Hamas is not allowing acts of resistance to be carried out by individuals or multiple participants in Gaza, and is stopping those who try.”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Oct. 2, 2022]

On the same day this video was posted, Fatah also called on Palestinians “not to calm down” and to shoot at Israelis “everywhere” to keep “The West Bank burning”:

Posted text: “O pulse of the West Bank, do not calm down. Declare a revolution!

Gunfire on the occupation and its settlers everywhere. ✌️🇵🇸


[Official Fatah Facebook page, Oct. 2, 2022]

Similar criticism of Hamas was voiced in an editorial by the official PA daily a few weeks earlier, when the PA boasted of Fatah’s terror in the West Bank, claiming most of the terrorists “are members of the Fatah Movement” while Hamas isn’t participating in the “resistance” at all:

“Who can show us one principled position – just one – of the Hamas Movement? …

Even its position regarding the resistance – and it claims ownership of it (!!) [parentheses in source] - never was a principled position. Its understandings with the occupation state, Israel, eliminated all of the resistance’s meanings, its slogans, and its culture! And here, the resistance today exists throughout the occupied Palestinian West Bank, but Hamas is not here, and it also does not care about what is happening…

The Martyrs today [who are dying] during the struggle of the young people of Palestine against the Israeli occupation army’s invasions of their cities, villages, towns, and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank – most of them are members of the Fatah Movement and some of them are from the Al-Quds Brigades (i.e., Islamic Jihad’s military wing).”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 19, 2022]

Palestinian Media Watch exposed Fatah’s adherence to terror for decades, including recent calls for violence by Fatah’s secretary in Jenin, one of the terror centers, and Fatah’s bragging about its role in recent terror attacks.

The mention of “the number 1,111 quoted by a Hamas commander” in the video refers to Hamas leader Yahya Al-Sinwar, who in April 2022 threatened Israel that 1,111 rockets are ready to be fired at Israel in one volley to “defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

“The Islamic Jihad Movement was abandoned [by Hamas] to fight alone” refers to Operation Breaking Dawn:

Operation Breaking Dawn

The following is a longer excerpt of the PA editorial:

Excerpt of an editorial by the official PA daily

Headline: “You will not find it”

“Who can show us one principled position – just one – of the Hamas Movement? Hamas carried out its violent and bloody coup in 2007 against the legal rule in the wounded Gaza Strip under the slogan ‘For the sake of Allah, and not for authority or respect’ (see note below -Ed.). And here, until now and for 15 years, it is holding onto the collar of rule and positions of respect by its teeth…

Even its position regarding the resistance – and it claims ownership of it (!!) [parentheses in source] - never was a principled position. Its understandings with the occupation state, Israel, eliminated all of the resistance’s meanings, its slogans, and its culture! And here, the resistance today exists throughout the occupied Palestinian West Bank, but Hamas is not here, and it also does not care about what is happening…

The Martyrs today [who are dying] during the struggle of the young people of Palestine against the Israeli occupation army’s invasions of their cities, villages, towns, and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank – most of them are members of the Fatah Movement and some of them are from the Al-Quds Brigades (i.e., Islamic Jihad’s military wing). Regarding the ‘Islamic Resistance Movement’ Hamas, it is in a deep sleep, because the bed of Israeli understandings is apparently a soft and comfortable bed!

Of course, the matter is not only connected to this embarrassing sleep; fundamentally it is connected to its true nature, which does not know adherence to any kind of principles. Yes, show us one principled position of Hamas, and we hope that you will find such a thing!”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, editorial, Sept. 19, 2022]


2007 Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip


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