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School students call to murder Jews, “strike and burn Tel Aviv,” “blow up the Zionist’s head,” “The Zionist is Allah’s enemy!”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

Students call for murder of Jews:

  • “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews!
  •   The army of Muhammad will return!”
  • “Strike and burn Tel Aviv… O Muslim, call out ‘Allahu Akbar’ and blow up the Zionist’s head!”
  • “There is no god but Allah and the Zionist is Allah’s enemy!”

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Palestinian students in the so-called “moderate” Fatah-controlled West Bank have been expressing open support for Hamas and the murder of Jews.

Three videos of West Bank students chanting in the streets show in all clarity their support for Hamas, the massacre of Israelis and slaughter of Jews, and the continued war.

In Jenin, students shouted the infamous slogan “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!” This is a direct call to murder Jews as Khaibar is the name of the last Jewish village defeated by Muhammad's army in 628. Many Jews were murdered in the battle, which marked the end of Jewish presence in Arabia. There are Muslims who see this event as a precursor to future wars against Jews. At extremist gatherings and rallies, this slogan is often chanted as a threat to Jews warning them that they should expect their coming defeat and slaughter by Muslims.

While students in Al-Mughayyir north of Ramallah vowed that “there is no god but Allah,” and that Israelis are “Allah’s enemy,” students in Nablus pledged allegiance to Hamas terror leader Muhammad Deif: 

Leader of chant: “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews!”

Students: “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews!”

Leader of chant: “The army of Muhammad will return!”

Students: “The army of Muhammad will return!” …

Students: “With spirit, with blood, we will redeem you Al-Aqsa Mosque!” …

Leader of chant: “O [Hamas’ spokesman] Abu Ubeida, O dear one”

Students: “O [Hamas’ spokesman] Abu Ubeida, O dear one”

Leader of chant: “strike and burn Tel Aviv!”

Students: “strike and burn Tel Aviv!” …

Leader of chant: “O Muslim, call out ‘Allahu Akbar’ (i.e., “Allah is greatest”)”

Students: “O Muslim, call out ‘Allahu Akbar’”

Leader of chant: “and blow up the Zionist’s head!”

Students: “and blow up the Zionist’s head!” …

Leader of chant: “We are the people of Muhammad Deif (i.e., Hamas terror leader)!”

Students: “We are the people of Muhammad Deif (i.e., Hamas terror leader)!”

[Quds News Network (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Oct. 31, 2023]

Leader of chant: “There is no god but Allah”

Students: “There is no god but Allah”

Leader of chant: “and the Zionist is Allah’s enemy!”

Students:“and the Zionist is Allah’s enemy!”

[Quds News Network (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Oct. 31, 2023]

Students: “We are the people of Muhammad Deif (i.e., Hamas terror leader)! …

Millions salute… with knives!”

[Quds News Network (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Oct. 30, 2023]

During the current war, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed several expressions in support of Hamas and slaughter of Jews by Palestinian West Bank students. A teacher led schoolgirls in a chant that taught the girls their “path is Jihad” – holy war, while Fatah’s student movement has called on Allah to murder JewsStudents in Ramallah have been urging people owning guns to "shoot Jews" or hand their guns over to Hamas.

This is the next generation of Palestinians. If the PA becomes rulers of the Gaza Strip and again responsible for education, once Hamas has been eradicated by Israel, in a few years, Israel might be facing more of the same: Terror.

Texts posted with the videos by the Quds News Network, which is identified with Hamas:

Posted text with 1st video: “News coverage: Female school students in Jenin continue the processions supporting the Gaza Strip (i.e., Hamas’ terror war on Israel).”

[Quds News Network (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Oct. 31, 2023]

Posted text with 2nd video: “News coverage: A procession of students as a sign of support for the Gaza Strip (refers to Hamas’ terror war on Israel; see note below -Ed.) in Al-Mughayyir village in the Jenin subdistrict.”

Posted text with 3rd video: “#Watch

School students’ calls during a procession that they held a short while ago in central Nablus as a sign of support for the Gaza Strip and the resistance (i.e., Hamas’ terror war on Israel)”

[Quds News Network (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Oct. 30, 2023]


Muhammad Deif

The Palestinian students from the West Bank chanted this during Hamas’ terror war on Israel:

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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