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Fatah official in Denmark is proud Fatah did not condemn Hamas Oct. 7 atrocities

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |

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Earlier this month, PA Chairman Abbas’ representative in Denmark, Fatah Secretary Walid Zaher, openly conveyed support for Hamas, expressing pride in the fact that Fatah has defended Hamas in the UN in the past and did not give in to international pressure now to condemn Hamas' brutal terror attack on Oct. 7:

Fatah Secretary in Denmark Walid Zaher: Our [PA] leadership fought against the UN not to add Hamas to the terror list, and our leadership also did not surrender to the American and international pressures to condemn what Hamas carried out on Oct. 7 [2023] (i.e., Hamas’ atrocities in Israel).”

[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page,
Dec. 12, 2023]

Zaher also called for Hamas to join and unite with Fatah and “return to the internal Palestinian home”:

Posted text: “Fatah Secretary in Denmark [Walid Zaher] to [Fatah-run] Awdah [TV]: The Hamas leadership must return to the internal Palestinian home.”

[Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Facebook page,
Dec. 12, 2023]

This comes at a time when there is growing concern about terror and support for Hamas in Denmark. Israel warned Denmark that a Danish imam is active in Hamas. In an email, Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Amichai Chikli shared information with Danish Minister for the Interior and Health Sophie Løhde that imam Hussein El-Khodr is associated with Hamas. El-Khodr has denied this.


Also in Denmark, earlier this month Danish police arrested three people on suspicion of planning terror. 

Hamas war on Israel October 2023

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