Palestinian Authority insult: “The white and racist majority” elected Trump
PA attacks Trump's pro-Israel cabinet picks
"The American administration's position is… immoral and illegal"
Abbas' advisor urges "Arabs and Muslims" to help Palestinians and Lebanese against Israel and US, or "other [Arab] states will pay a price"
Abbas' advisor: Israel is working as its "errand boy," "carrying out their [US] policies"
- Abbas' advisor: US is responsible "for the lack of security, peace, and stability in the Middle East region and the world" if it continues acting as Israel's "full partner"
Fatah official libels Trump's pick for US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, as "believing in killing women and children"
Top Fatah official against Biden administration: The current US administration wants the "complete destruction of the region"
Before the recent US elections, Palestinian Media Watch exposed the Palestinian Authority's vicious hate speech against America and specifically against now President-elect Donald Trump, who the PA said is "worse than Hitler" and was a "racist" president.
Even after Trump was elected, the PA is not holding back on its demonization and anti-US hate speech, demonizing both Trump and those who voted for him as "the white and racist majority":
"The white and racist majority from among the Evangelists voted for Republican candidate [Donald Trump]. More than this, the president-elect succeeded in penetrating sectors of Black and Latino Americans, despite his racism, and they voted for him."
[Column by regular columnist Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul,
Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida website, Nov. 7, 2024]
Upon hearing Trump's pro-Israeli appointments for his new administration, Fatah in Lebanon commented with a cartoon showing all of his appointments to be copies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
Headline: "The White House team"
Caption: "Trump's way of managing the White House"[Falestinona, Fatah's Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon,
Nov. 15, 2024]
When Trump nominated Senator Marco Rubio to become secretary of state, top Fatah official Sabri Saidam immediately libeled Rubio as a supporter of "killing women and children":
Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam: "The new American administration announced the appointment of [US Senator Marco] Rubio as secretary of state. This controversial figure who believes in killing women and children. He accused the Palestinian factions of hiding behind women and children and this, according to Rubio, legitimizes killing [them]."
[Al-Arabiya TV, YouTube channel, Nov. 13, 2024]
The Lebanese branch of Abbas' Fatah Movement had this general comment about Trump winning the elections:
Headline: "The Trump era"
Caption: "The Trump era – the future of American policy is in the hands of the billionaires"
[Falestinona, Fatah's Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon,
Nov. 9, 2024]
Commenting in advance of the US elections, a Syrian commentator predicted on official PA TV that Trump would win because of the "chauvinist" nature of the American people who "will not let a woman be president":
Syrian author and political commentator Tahsin Halabi: "Trump will win [the 2024 US elections]." …
Official PA TV host: "The polls are currently tight, are you determining [Trump will win] for certain?"
Tahsin Halabi: "Why [not]? The American public is a chauvinist public. It will not let a woman be president."
[Official PA TV, Capital of Capitals – Damascus, Nov. 3, 2024]
The PA's demonization of the US as a warlord in the current war is not new, as PMW has exposed. PA Chairman Abbas' advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash accused the US of "misleading" the world into believing that the US wants the Gaza war to end. He claimed the US is calling the shots and that Israel is merely acting as its "errand boy":
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "You say that Israel is imposing its will on the US. That isn't correct. The truth is that the one who is imposing its will is the US. Israel is working as "an errand boy" in quotations, for the US and for the US administration. It is carrying out the policies of the American administration… We must not be deceived by the American attempts to mislead world public opinion and present the US as if it is actually interested in stopping the [Gaza] war."
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash, YouTube channel, Nov. 15, 2024]
In addition, demonizing Israel as "the main threat to humanity", Al-Habbash also held the US responsible "for the lack of security, peace, and stability in the Middle East region and the world" if it continues acting as Israel's "full partner" in the war:
"Al-Habbash… added that the occupation is the main threat to humanity, and that those who support it – and particularly the US, the full partner in the ongoing Israeli aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and occupied Jerusalem – bear responsibility for the lack of security, peace, and stability in the Middle East region and the world."
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Facebook page, Nov. 30, 2024]
Al-Habbash has also warned Arab states that unless they help fight Israel and the US, they will be the next victims of the US' "desires and interests":
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "The Arabs and Muslims must understand that if the Palestinians and Lebanese are abandoned to their fate, the turn will come of other peoples, other capitals, other cities, and other states that will pay a price if they let this rogue state that is called Israel do what it wants in the region, and if they let the US act according to its desires and interests."
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash,
YouTube channel, Nov. 13, 2024]
Following Israel's pager attack against members of the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah, Abbas' advisor held the US responsible for "pushing Israel to extremism":
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "Israel's sovereign is the US, unfortunately. The US even today opposes a resolution proposal at the [UN] General Assembly calling to end the occupation. Imagine, this is the level of American hostility to the Palestinian rights…The one who is strengthening the position of Netanyahu and pushing him more and more towards extremism is the American administration's position. The American administration's position is a hostile position, an immoral and illegal position, and, honestly, it is the one that bears responsibility for the scope of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people."
[PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash,
Facebook page, Sept. 18, 2024]
Top Fatah official Abbas Zaki likewise accused the US of seeking the "complete destruction of the region" in support of "Greater Israel":
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki: "The [US] administration is in favor of Greater Israel. The administration is in favor of the complete destruction of the region, as is currently happening in Lebanon too. Therefore, the situation is very dangerous, and the administration is a lame duck. Each of the [American political parties] wants to succeed through the Jews' votes… We must not rely [on the American administration], and there is no talk that could bring results under this [current Biden] administration."
[Al-Mayadeen TV (Lebanon), YouTube channel, Nov. 2, 2024]
Zaki also claimed that current US President Biden is a "Zionist from birth" who is implementing the plan of "Greater Israel," starting with the Gaza war and then moving on to "Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia":
Posted text: "The American administration led by notorious [US President] Biden is the one that is leading the war of annihilation. He takes pride in being a Zionist from birth and understands that the map of Greater Israel will destroy all the region's states, starting with Palestine, on to Lebanon that is standing before an attack that is twice as extensive as the Gaza Strip with hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs that are internationally banned, and ending with Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia."
[Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Facebook page,
Nov. 2, 2024]
The Fatah cartoon below expressed the same Palestinian view that Israel's war efforts against Hamas and Hezbollah were really orchestrated by the US:
The cartoon shows Uncle Sam flying in a plane in the shape of a dove with an olive branch in its beak. Uncle Sam is dropping a bomb with a blue ribbon and a Star of David on it on top of the Palestinian and Lebanese flags.
Headline: "Annihilation under American auspices"
Caption: "Thanks to the American support, Israel succeeded in annihilating, expelling, and destroying the Gaza Strip and Lebanon"
[Falestinona, Fatah's Information and Culture Commission in Lebanon,
Nov. 9, 2024]