Amnesty’s latest libel: Projecting Palestinian crimes onto Israel
Amnesty International insidiously uses PA hate-speech to describe Israel's self-defense actions
Amnesty claims Palestinians are treated as subhumans when PA leaders are the ones to demonize Jews as subhuman, calling them "humanoids," "Satan," and "apes and pigs"
Amnesty claims Israel is committing genocide, when Palestinians on Oct. 7 are the ones who attempted genocide and in a year that official PA TV called for extermination of Jews in at least three broadcasts: "Do not leave even one"
A fundamental tactic of Palestinian Authority (PA) hate-speech and incitement is to falsely accuse Israel of committing crimes of which the PA itself is guilty. As a result, Amnesty International, in the service of the PA, has taken words directly from the PA's lexicon of Jew-hatred and applied it to Israel in the title of its report on Gaza, ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman': Israel's Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza. This is particularly insidious, as PA officials are the ones who teach that Jews are subhuman and preach genocide.
The top religious figure in the PA, Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Islam, has literally described Jews as "humanoids," as "Satan," and as "apes and pigs" while claiming that they are unrecognizable because they are in human form. The PA depicts Jews as the human manifestation of Satan as a result of their supposed evil and scheming against Muslims.
Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "A group from among the People of the Book (i.e., Jews, Quran 2:109)… have left the path of humanity and followed Satanity... Satan does not have to be in the form of a demon, hidden, he can also be in your form, but [the Jew] he is Satan… Grazing herds of humanoids (i.e., Jews), of people or creatures that Allah created in the form of humans... "[Jews] whom Allah has cursed and He became angry and made them into apes and pigs" [Quran 5:60].
[Official PA TV, July 7, 2023; Sept. 30, 2022]
Official PA TV preachers, including PA officials, have prayed for the genocide of Jews at least three times just this year: "Kill them one by one, and do not leave even one."
PA Supreme Shari'ah Court Director Alaa Dweikat: "Strike the aggressive Zionists. O Allah, kill them one by one and count them one by one, and do not leave even one."
[Official PA TV, Oct. 25, 2024]
PA TV preacher: "O Allah, strike the thieving Jews… count them and kill them one by one, and do not leave even one."
[Official PA TV, Aug. 9, 2024]
PA Shari'ah Judge Abdallah Harb: "Allah, strike the aggressive Jews, count them and kill them one by one, and do not leave even one."
[Official PA TV Live, July 5, 2024]
In conclusion, the reader can see Amnesty's bias before even opening its report. By describing the Palestinians as feeling "subhuman" because of Israel's actions, Amnesty International misappropriates Palestinian hate speech, flipping the language to frame Israel as being guilty of the Palestinians' crimes.