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Palestinian Authority official: Terrorist prisoners “are a model of nobility, honor and purity”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
  • Mahmoud Abbas calls terrorist murderers "heroic" role models

  • PA official on terrorist prisoners: They "are a model of nobility, honor and purity. They are the most noble among us all"

  • PA official blesses imprisoned terror leaders as representing "a model of resolve and willpower"

  • Fatah member says terrorist prisoners are "heroes," "rifle should be aimed" at Israel

Israel has agreed to release over 1,900 terrorist prisoners as part of a ceasefire agreement that Mahmoud Abbas hopes will lead to his "revitalized" Palestinian Authority being given control of the Gaza Strip. At a recent event celebrating the 60th anniversary of the launch of the Fatah party, the same Mahmoud Abbas described the terrorist prisoners, among them murderers of women and children, as "heroic" and said that they are "saluted with appreciation":

"[PA] president [Mahmoud Abbas] saluted with admiration and honor the Martyrs of the Palestinian revolution and the Palestinian people... He saluted with appreciation the heroic prisoners in the occupation's (i.e., Israel) detention facilities and the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners. He also emphasized that their sacrifices will not be in vain, and that the Palestinian people will continue the journey of struggle until its legitimate goals are achieved, and until they win their freedom and national independence."

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 1, 2025]

Abbas reinforced the decades-old PA message documented by Palestinian Media Watch that murderers of Israelis are heroes and role models for Palestinian society.

At the same event, a member of Fatah blessed terrorist prisoners as "the proud upright ones" and "heroes," emphasizing that "the rifle should be aimed" at Israel:

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Follow-up Commission for Prisoners' Affairs Director and Fatah member Amin Shuman: "On behalf of all of you, we send a blessing to our prisoners (i.e., terrorists) in the prisons of the occupation (i.e., Israel), to the proud upright ones, to the leaders who do not bow down, to you our brother Marwan [Barghouti] (i.e., terrorist)... To you the heroes of the prison cells… to you Zakariya Zubeidi (i.e., terrorist)… and all the heroes of the Jenin [refugee] camp, the camp of Martyr ‘Abu Jandal' (i.e., terrorist), who all the [Palestinian] lawbreakers need to learn from him that the Palestinian rifle should only be directed towards the chest of the occupation."

[Official PA TV, Dec. 31, 2024]

Similarly, a PA district governor stressed the "honorable and noble" status of terrorist prisoners:

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Salfit District Governor Abdallah Kmeil: "The prisoners (i.e., terrorists) are a model of nobility, honor and purity. They are the most noble among us all, after the Martyrs. We feel all the love and appreciation for them."

[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, Dec. 27, 2024]

Chairman of the Palestinian National Council (the legislative body of the PLO) Rawhi Fattouh likewise praised and "blessed" the terrorist prisoners, singling out Marwan Barghouti, who planned attacks in which 5 people were murdered, and Ahmad Sa'adat, who is convicted of heading the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror organization:

Fattouh: "We send our blessings to every male and female prisoner in the [Israeli] prisons… led by Fatah Central Committee member fighter leader Marwan Barghouti (i.e., terrorist, orchestrated three attacks in which 5 were murdered) and Popular Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] (PFLP) Secretary-General leader Ahmad Sa'adat, who represent a model of resolve and willpower..."

[Palestinian National Council Chairman Rawhi Fattouh, Facebook page,
Dec. 31, 2024]

These few examples of statements by top PA leaders and the fact that Fatah continues to brag about the number of terrorist murderers in its ranks stress that Israel is rightly concerned about the growing terror threat from PA-controlled areas and is correct in its opposition to any kind of PA rule in the Gaza Strip.


The following is a longer excerpt of the report on Abbas' speech and other reports cited above:

Headline: "The [PA] president: The Palestinian revolution has liberated our people's will, the time has come to achieve the goal of statehood and ending the occupation"

"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas emphasized that the Palestinian revolution, which was launched by the Fatah Movement in 1965 to restore the legitimate rights of our Palestinian people under the auspices of the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of our people, was the most important event in our modern history.

On the 60th anniversary of the launch of the Palestinian revolution (the intilaqa of Fatah) [parentheses in source] (i.e., the anniversary of "the Launch" of Fatah, counted from its first terror attack against Israel), he noted that the revolution reunited the Palestinian people, preserved its Palestinian identity, and sacrificed tens of thousands of heroic Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded for Jerusalem, the identity, the heritage, and the holy sites...

The president saluted with admiration and honor the Martyrs of the Palestinian revolution and the Palestinian people... He saluted with appreciation the heroic prisoners in the occupation's (i.e., Israel) detention facilities and the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners. He also emphasized that their sacrifices will not be in vain, and that the Palestinian people will continue the journey of struggle until its legitimate goals are achieved, and until they win their freedom and national independence."

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 1, 2025]


Posted text: "The speech of Palestinian National Council (i.e., the legislative body of the PLO) Chairman Rawhi Fattouh marking the 60th anniversary of the Fatah Movement's Intilaqa (i.e., the anniversary of "the Launch" of Fatah, counted from its first terror attack against Israel)...

[Fattouh:] We send our blessings to every male and female prisoner in the prisons of racist segregation and oppression who suffer from abuse, execution, and discrimination in the most despicable methods of sadism and fascism, led by Fatah Central Committee member fighter leader Marwan Barghouti (i.e., terrorist, orchestrated three attacks in which 5 were murdered) and Popular Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] (PFLP) Secretary-General leader Ahmad Sa'adat, who represent a model of resolve and willpower...

The Iranian support for several shadowy armed groups in the Jenin refugee camp, which sow chaos, disorder, and division, and their attacks against sovereign headquarters and forces (refers to clashes between PA Security Forces and armed Palestinian groups in Jenin -Ed.) pose a serious threat to the unity of the national ranks, the social fabric, and our just cause. These groups are not resistance, as no resistance targets its own people, and real resistance does not hide among a peaceful civilian population."

[Palestinian National Council Chairman Rawhi Fattouh, Facebook page,
Dec. 31, 2024]

Rawhi Fattouh

Marwan Barghouti

Ahmad Sa’adat

Zakariya Zubeidi

Yusuf Ahmed Rihan “Abu Jandal”

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