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Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Jews “prepare their matzah… with the blood of children"

Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque:‎
     "The Children of Israel have more than one god... They say that our god is number ten. ‎It’s an internal [secret] matter of theirs... They have smaller gods, from one to nine,‎ and they have gods who are stronger than Allah, from 11 to 34. Devil or Satan is ‎number 11 for them. If you look at history, my brothers, you’ll see that the number 11 is ‎holy for the Jews, and 666 is also a holy number, three times six signifies the Devil.‎ These two numbers, 11 and three times six, are holy numbers. Everything they wish to ‎happen, or that they want to do and succeed at, they try to make happen on the 11th of ‎the month... Therefore, notice the attacks on America (i.e., 9-11 attack on World Trade ‎Center) that took place. When were they? On the 11th of the month. Why? Because ‎who was behind them? ... It’s known that the Jews were behind them. The evidence ‎discovered afterward points to the fact that the Jews were behind the attack...

I will ‎show you the ways of Satan, through which he deceives the Children of Israel... The ‎first way is the promise of eternal life... The American film industry is owned by the ‎Children of Israel. Among the most notable film [themes] that this film industry focuses ‎on is the idea of eternal life. You can see films, all of which are about vampires. On ‎what is this idea based? On the fact that if you killed a human being and drank his ‎blood in a certain way, you would attain eternal life. Why did Satan put this in their ‎minds? To cause them to spill each other’s blood. One will kill the other and drink his ‎blood, and thus attain eternal life...

The Children of Israel had the holiday of Pesach, ‎what is now called Passover. Every holiday, every group would look for a small child, ‎kidnap and steal him, bring a barrel called the barrel of nails... They would put the ‎small child in the barrel and his body would be pierced by these nails. In the bottom of ‎the barrel they would put a faucet and pour the blood... The Devil or one of the big ‎gods, demanded it of them as a condition for fulfilling their wishes, that they eat ‎‎[matzah] bread kneaded with the blood of children.
On the holiday of Passover it is ‎forbidden for them to eat regular bread. They prepare their matzahs. These matzahs ‎were not kneaded in the regular way, but rather with the blood of children. When these ‎stories were exposed, the Children of Israel were expelled from all of Europe and the ‎tragedy of the Children of Israel began in all Europe. In the end it reached the point ‎where they were burned in Germany, because of these things, because they ‎kidnapped young children. These stories are known. There is proof of them. They are ‎in court files. There were a lot of trials against the Children of Israel in these matters. ‎You can see a long list of these stories. Even though there is a news blackout about ‎them, they are on the internet.‎ Write: "Jews’ bread" on Google, "Jews’ bread" or "Jews’ matzah" ... You will see all of ‎these stories, and for all of them there is proof and evidence, with dates and police files ‎in which the material is found...
The Freemason lodges are witchcraft gatherings of the ‎Children of Israel. One of the ceremonies, for instance if someone wants to be ‎accepted as a new member, or rise in rank... he has to somehow bring one of his sons ‎or daughters, or his wife or one of his male or female relatives, and put them on the ‎table and slaughter them with his own hands as a sacrifice to Satan, in order to rise in ‎the ranks of the Freemasons. My brothers, this exists until today.‎"
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