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PA official: Abbas ordered to rebuild demolished house of terrorists, PA “bows” to terror family for its “heroism”

Official PA TV newsreader: “[Head of Civil Affairs in the PA Hussein] Al-Sheikh added that President [Abbas] has given direct orders to immediately rebuild the home of the Abu Hmeid family in the Al-Amari [refugee] camp.”
Fatah Central Committee member and Head of Civil Affairs in the PA Hussein Al-Sheikh: “President Abbas has given direct orders this morning [Dec. 15, 2018] to quickly and immediately rebuild the home of the Abu Hmeid family. This is a fighting family. We bow to this family, its history of struggle, and their heroism (i.e., terrorists who murdered at least 10). Therefore, the minimum that can be provided to this family is to stand by it and immediately rebuild its demolished home.”

Um Nasser Abu Hmeid

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