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“He never aspired… to prepare himself for the future. He aspired to Martyrdom” - Parents of dead teen terrorist

Nan Jacques Zilberdik  |
  • Father of dead teen: 
    “He never aspired to have a car or to have a home, or to prepare himself for the future. He aspired to Martyrdom, and indeed he achieved it” 

“We will generously give all that we have so that the homeland will be liberated… [My son] chose to be a sacrifice for the sake of Palestine” 

  • Mother of dead teen: 
    “All my children and grandchildren will follow [his] path” 
    “He asked for Martyrdom, and he achieved it” 

A chilling testimony by the father of a teenage terrorist after his son’s death illustrates the tragic success of the PA’s brainwashing of youth to seek Martyrdom-death. Instead of encouraging youth to progress in life and “prepare for the future,” the PA teaches them that death for Allah and “Palestine” is superior: 

Mahmoud Al-Tamimi, father of 19-year-old terrorist “Martyr”:  
“Qusai completed the matriculation exams last year [2021], and he worked for some time in a restaurant in Ramallah. He was beloved in the village, and he never aspired to have a car or to have a home, or to prepare himself for the future. He aspired to Martyrdom, and indeed he achieved it.” 

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 26, 2022] 

The teenage terrorist’s father also illustrated Palestinian parent’s willingness to sacrifice their children for the sake of “Palestine,” adding that his son actively chose death: 

“Our children exist to convey one message – that we will generously give all that we have so that the homeland will be liberated, as our rifle is Palestine’s rifle. I swear by Allah that this occupation will pass… Qusai chose to be a sacrifice for the sake of Palestine.” 

“We have nothing to give the homeland and the [Palestinian] cause other than this pure blood” 

Teen-Martyr Qusai Al-Tamimi’s mother expressed the same sentiments of support: 

“‘All my children and grandchildren will follow the path of Qusai”

She explained that Qusai, who aspired Martyrdom-death, had shaved his head to look like another terrorist “Martyr,” Uday Al-Tamimi, who murdered 1.: 

“He went to shave his hair and said, ‘I want the haircut of a Martyr’”  
“He asked for Martyrdom, and he achieved it.” 

The official PA daily reinforced the Martyrdom message by writing about the teen’s death in the usual cult-like terms, saying the Martyr’s scent of musk is now “perfuming the streets”: 

“The village’s streets… became filled with the scent of his blood, which is perfumed with musk… ‘While charging forward and not fleeing’ (i.e., a sentence used repeatedly by the PA to describe terrorist murderer Uday Al-Tamimi) – this young lion responded to the call of the lions, and his fate was to ascend to Paradise.” 

Palestinian Media Watch has reported on this dangerous PA ideology numerous times, warning that Palestinian children are being abused by PA leaders who teach them they are destined for Martyrdom for “Palestine.” 

These recent statements by the parents of 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist “Martyr” Qusai Al-Tamimi - who was killed on Oct. 25, 2022 – reflect the success of the PA messages. Palestinian Media Watch has shown that this 19-year-old is not an exception as many Palestinian teenagers in recent months have gone on terror attacks hoping to “die for Palestine.” 

The following are longer excerpts of the reports cited above: 

Headline: “The mother of Martyr Qusai Al-Tamimi: ‘He went to shave his hair [and said] “I want his haircut”’” 

“‘All my children and grandchildren will follow the path of Qusai [Al-Tamimi] (i.e., terrorist, killed while participating in violent riots) and the path of all the homeland’s Martyrs’ – with these words and with a heart torn by pain, the mother of Martyr Qusai Al-Tamimi bid farewell to her son, who died as a Martyr in the early morning yesterday, Tuesday [Oct. 25, 2022], in the village of Nabi Saleh northwest of Ramallah. 

Sahr Al-Tamimi, the mother of Martyr Qusai, said in a voice full of pain: ‘He went to shave his hair and said, “I want the haircut of a Martyr” (refers to recent trend of young Palestinians shaving their heads to resemble terrorist Uday Al-Tamimi, who murdered 1 -Ed.).’ 

She told the details of her son’s death as a Martyr: ‘Qusai watched the events in Nablus and his heart filled with anger (refers to Israeli forces attacking a terrorist weapons laboratory in Nablus -Ed.). Afterwards he went together with the young people of the village towards the [Israeli] military tower to support Nablus. I felt a strong unease stabbing at my heart, and my heart began to beat rapidly. I hurried to the window to watch them with Qusai’s binoculars, and I saw that one of them was wounded by live gunfire. The Martyr was Qusai. He asked for Martyrdom, and he achieved it.’ 

…The Martyr entered his home for the last time carried on the shoulders of his father and brothers, and he was received by his sisters’ sounds of joy, while the young people made calls and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (i.e., “Allah is greatest”). 

Mahmoud Al-Tamimi, the Martyr’s father, said: ‘Our children exist to convey one message – that we will generously give all that we have so that the homeland will be liberated, as our rifle is Palestine’s rifle. I swear by Allah that this occupation will pass.’ He added that Qusai chose to be a sacrifice for the sake of Palestine, and thus he is continuing the path of his uncle Martyr Bakr Al-Tamimi (PMW was unable to determine the circumstances of his death -Ed.)… 

The village’s streets became covered with sorrow and blackness. They became filled with the scent of his blood, which is perfumed with musk… 

‘While charging forward and not fleeing’ (i.e., a sentence used repeatedly by the PA to describe terrorist murderer Uday Al-Tamimi) – this young lion responded to the call of the lions, and his fate was to ascend to Paradise.” 

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 26, 2022] 

Qusai Al-Tamimi

Uday Al-Tamimi

Headline: “Qusai Al-Tamimi died as a Martyr in his brother’s arms” 

“Mahmoud, the father of Martyr [Qusai Al-Tamimi] (i.e., terrorist, died while participating in violent riots), said: ‘The occupation did not give my son [even a few] minutes. He stood together with a number of young people next to the entrance to the village [Nabi Saleh] in protest over the massacre that the occupation forces committed early in the morning in Nablus, and he was shot (sic., the rioters threw explosives at soldiers; the mention of Nablus refers to Israeli forces attacking a terrorist weapons laboratory).’ … 
He continued: ‘We have nothing to give the homeland and the [Palestinian] cause other than this pure blood. My brother Bakr [Al-Tamimi] (PMW was unable to determine the circumstances of his death -Ed.) died as a Martyr in 1984 when I was 20, and today I am bidding farewell to my son, my offspring, when I am nearly 60. We are prepared to sacrifice that which is precious to us so that we will have an independent homeland.’ 
He added: ‘Qusai completed the matriculation exams last year [2021], and he worked for some time in a restaurant in Ramallah. He was beloved in the village, and he never aspired to have a car or to have a home, or to prepare himself for the future. He aspired to Martyrdom, and indeed he achieved it.’” 

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 26, 2022] 


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