PMW Special Report: 8 Years of PA demonization of Donald TrumpThis is what eight years of demonization look likeNov 6, 2024
PA: Hamas “brought hell on the Palestinian people,” serving their Iranian “masters”Palestinian Authority now fiercely critical of Hamas over October 7Jul 4, 2024
Fatah celebrates its terror and murderer of Israeli brothers Fatah Celebrates its success in Terror attacksApr 5, 2023
Abbas’ advisor praises rock thrower: “May his hands be blessed”PA: “Rocks frighten the Israelis” – praise for rock throwerJan 14, 2021
"Let them taste instant death" - Terrorist's poem on Facebook prior to his car ramming attackThe writing was literally on Fatah’s Facebook wallFeb 17, 2020
The Palestinian Santa: Victim, Fighter and even evil TrumpThe PA loves to use the image of Santa in its cartoons to bolster its policy of demonizing Israel and Israelis. Dec 23, 2019
Is the PA considering violence in response to US recognition that Israeli settlements are "not inconsistent with international law"?PA “demands” Palestinians “everywhere, act” to “thwart the [American-Israeli] plot to eliminate the Palestinian cause” Nov 20, 2019
Fatah calls to boycott Eurovision, adopts BDS campaignLibelous cartoons, protesting Israel's hosting of Eurovision, accuse Israel of intentionally murdering Palestinian children.May 16, 2019
Palestinian UN diplomat caught on tape glorifying children's rock throwingA recording surfaced last week of a member of the Palestinian Authority delegation to the UN telling a group of students: "We are very proud that we are stone throwers." (Feb. 20, 2018)Feb 20, 2018
Fatah`s guide to rock throwing for kidsPMW calls on UNICEF to condemn Fatah's recruitment of children to commit terror (Dec 27, 2017)Dec 27, 2017
Abbas` Fatah: Trump is Hitler - no differenceIn another demonization of US President Trump because of his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Movement compared Trump to Hitler (Dec. 26, 2017)Dec 26, 2017
"Santa Trump" gave Muslim and Christian sites to Israel in PA daily cartoonThe PA and Fatah mock President Trump in cartoons. (Dec. 24, 2017)Dec 24, 2017
Fatah Votes for TerrorFatah leaders who actively promoted and glorified terror against civilians during the terror wave in 2015 – 2016 were elected to lead Fatah at the Seventh Fatah Conference.Mar 16, 2017