Refuting Abbas’ UN lies, nearly 4,000,000 Muslims visited the Temple Mount during RamadanRefuting Abbas’ UN lies, nearly 4,000,000 Muslims visited the Temple Mount May 17, 2023
The Palestinian Authority doesn’t miss an opportunity to demonize Israel The PA doesn’t miss an opportunity to demonize Israel Apr 23, 2023
Abbas’ advisor: PA policy is based on the stages planAbbas’ advisor: PA policy is based on the stages planMar 9, 2023
PA leaders continue to deny existence of Jewish TemplesJewish history in Jerusalem “has no basis other than in their heads that are full of legends and fantasies” - PA TVAug 4, 2021
The real source of the violence in Jerusalem“I fired my shots, I threw my bomb. I detonated, detonated, detonated my [explosive] belts… My brother, throw my blood on the enemy like bullets”Apr 27, 2021
PA: Jews are “defiling Jerusalem,” “invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque” when they visit the Temple Mount“The occupation’s forces and its settlers invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem will not be defiled”Mar 8, 2021
PA libel: “Al-Aqsa in danger of being bombed”Israel will destroy Jerusalem’s Christian and Muslim holy sites – PA libel repeated by Israeli affairs “expert”Feb 23, 2021
PA: Arab peace makers are “enemies of the Islamic society,” “worms exposed by the sun,” and Netanyahu is a “distorted copy of Mussolini” “These are connections that in reality will be nothing more than the connection between a master and his slave.”Oct 19, 2020
OK to murder Israeli civilians because they are all “criminals” - Hamas’ message in TV seriesShe explains that while Islam forbids murdering civilians, killing Israelis/Jews is justified because Israelis/Jews are all “criminals”Oct 16, 2020
PA: Netanyahu is a “monster” dragging his “tail” Trump, while Abbas is “the Son of the Sun” - in PA TV music video What better opportunity for the PA to rebroadcast a music video demonizing US President Trump, his Senior Advisor Kushner, and Israeli PM Netanyahu than the peace agreements signed with the UAESep 30, 2020
PMW Special Report: PA: UAE and Bahrain sign deal with deathFatah: “If Trump would have asked some of the Arab rulers to strip and walk naked in the streets of Tel Aviv – they would agree”Sep 22, 2020
Hamas glorifies suicide bombings, promises imprisoned terrorists will get “reward” from AllahHamas continues to be unwavering in its hate of Israel and its desire to destroy it entirely.Sep 10, 2020
One day of Hamas TV hate and terror messages:Hamas MP: “Death to Israel,” “sons of Zion” and “whoever normalizes with Israel” should burnSep 7, 2020
PA fears UAE-Israel peace is birth of “Arab Zionists”Erekat: Arab support for Israel is “forbidden” “Zionist thinking” Sep 1, 2020
PA proud it sends kids to die: “Our [children] teach the world what sacrifice and self-sacrifice are,” says PA officialPalestinian kids’ destiny is to die for Palestine - they should “sacrifice” themselves for Jerusalem and its holy sites! That is the official message from Abbas’ Presidential Office.Aug 23, 2020
PA to all Muslims: Jews are defiling Jerusalem, invading Al-Aqsa MosqueOfficial PA TV host: ”Dozens of settlers invaded the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque’s plazas in occupied Jerusalem"Aug 20, 2020
Israel is “the enemy of Prophet Muhammad” - PA seeks religious war over UAE-Israel peace agreementUAE’s making peace and “normalizing” with Israel is “treason” and “political prostitution”Aug 19, 2020
PA says Jewish history in Jerusalem is “fabricated,” “forged,” “delusional myths,” “lies,” “libels,” “legends,” and “stolen heritage” "Their so-called 'Temple' - the greatest crime and forgery in history"Jul 29, 2020
PA against wheelchair accessibility for disabled at Cave of the PatriarchsThe PA is protesting Israel's plan to make the Cave of the Patriarchs wheelchair accessible and condemning it as "Judaization."Apr 27, 2020
PA: Jewish history in Jerusalem is "fables and myths" and "imaginary history"PA: Jews "defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque"Mar 13, 2020
Top Fatah official calls for “escalation” so Israelis will “pay a heavy price every day”"If we consolidate our ranks and unify... then we will certainly defeat our enemy, which is Israel."Oct 15, 2019
The PA initiated clashes on the Temple MountIn an attempt to disrupt Jews' right to access the Mount on Tisha B'Av, the PA took a number of steps.Aug 13, 2019
PA warns: "The most dangerous season of Judaization" has begunThe PA characterizes the visit of any Jew to the Temple Mount - the holiest place in Judaism - as "an invasion" and "a break in."Jul 24, 2019
PA: The US is "racist" and helps Israel "Judaize" JerusalemPA rages against US ambassador and envoy for participating in opening ceremony at archaeological site. Jul 19, 2019