Israel is Pandora with a box of weapons supplied by West (Zeus) “to sow death” – official Palestinian Authority dailyZeus, the colonial West, created Pandora-Israel to sow deathDec 11, 2024
PMW Special Report: 8 Years of PA demonization of Donald TrumpThis is what eight years of demonization look likeNov 6, 2024
PA libel: “Al-Aqsa in danger of being bombed”Israel will destroy Jerusalem’s Christian and Muslim holy sites – PA libel repeated by Israeli affairs “expert”Feb 23, 2021
Europeans created Zionism “to get rid of the Jewish problem in its lands” – op-ed in official PA dailyThe PA claims that Europe wanted to weaken the Arab world and therefore divided it into numerous small Arab states and planted Israel in the middle.Jan 31, 2021
PA: Israel was created as payback for “the defeats of the Crusaders”Zionism has “control over tools of leadership, money, communications, security, and intelligence in large states and world powers”Nov 8, 2020
PA cartoon: Trump is Balfour the 2nd - "the one with no ownership" who gives Jerusalem to "the one with no right" The PA views Trump with his plan as unrightfully giving “Palestine” to the Jews.Jan 31, 2020
Dead ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi was a US “pawn” and Israel and ISIS are “twins” - according to the PAThe Jewish state "is not significantly different from the state of ISIS"Nov 6, 2019
"The entire world will pay" if Muslims don't "act" to save Al-Aqsa from "the Israeli plot," threatens Abbas' advisor on Islam Abbas' advisor Al-Habbash: Conflict with Israel is "between good and evil"Jun 16, 2019