PA official: Jerusalem "is being violated due to the spread of the settlement and outpost cancer""This capital is being violated due to the spread of the settlement and outpost cancer in its neighborhoods and alleys.” Apr 15, 2020
PA spokesman reacts to accusations of PA incitement regarding Coronavirus: Israel is attempting to harm our immunity, not giving us aid "We are not stating accusations but rather facts; they are not producing the virus but they are the agents of this epidemic whose name is occupation"Apr 14, 2020
PA, PLO officials accuse Israel of deliberately thwarting Palestinian efforts to combat Coronavirus"The racist and extremist Israeli occupation and its illegal acts, including thwarting the Palestinian efforts against the Corona epidemic, are the real danger"Apr 4, 2020
PA daily op-ed: Settlers spread Coronavirus like suicide bombers; Israel doesn't care about Palestinian lives "They are using the Coronavirus as the most modern biological weapon"Apr 2, 2020
PA Daily Op-ed: Israel exporting its Coronavirus "worsening crisis" to PA "The enemy neighbor [is] exporting to us its worsening crisis..." Apr 1, 2020
PA governmental spokesman accuses Israelis of attempting to deliberately spread Coronavirus among Palestinians "The settlers and occupation soldiers... are striving for the epidemic’s spread in Palestine"Mar 30, 2020
Fatah: Israel intentionally spreading the Coronavirus among Palestinians "Israel and its settlers are implementing the most despicable racist and terrorist policy against the Palestinian people during the spread of the Coronavirus"Mar 30, 2020
Palestinian battles “Israeli settlement” and the Coronavirus in PA daily cartoonThe cartoon shows a Palestinian trying to hold down “Israeli settlement” with one hand and a Coronavirus molecule with the other.Mar 28, 2020
Op-ed: Israeli occupation is more dangerous than Coronavirus; Prisoners are on brink of a "holocaust""Through the occupation, settlements, war crimes, and racism, they are more dangerous to humanity than a pandemic"Mar 25, 2020
Israeli jailor depicted as Coronavirus in PA daily cartoonText on cartoon: “The Palestinian prisoners”Mar 23, 2020
Head of Palestinian trade unions: Israel putting Palestinian workers “in the 1948 territories” in danger of catching Coronavirus“Sa’ad warned against the consequences of the lack of medical aid for laborers who were allowed to work and stay within the 1948 territories”Mar 21, 2020
PA daily cartoon compares Coronavirus to Israeli occupationThe cartoon shows an Israeli tank with an Israeli flag painted on its side and a Coronavirus virus as the turretMar 16, 2020
PA daily editorial: "Occupation’s viruses" are more dangerous than Coronavirus"Just as we will overcome the Coronavirus, we will certainly overcome the occupation’s viruses that are more dangerous than all of nature’s viruses."Mar 11, 2020