PPSF claims Israel deliberately kills “Palestinians” prisonersTaleb: Israel’s “crimes are continuing against our people around the clock”Jul 26, 2023
Prisoner’s Club campaign features a map erasing IsraelThe PA-funded Prisoner’s Club erases Israel in campaign poster and accuses Israel of “medical neglect” against prisonersApr 16, 2023
PA accuses Israel of committing “deliberate medical neglect” against prisonersOfficial PA Daily accuses Israel of “slow murder” of prisoners, despite Israel giving them extensive medical careDec 8, 2022
Libel: PA daily accuses Israel of a “policy of medical neglect” of terrorist prisonersArticle in official PA daily claims Israel is committing a “slow killing” of prisoners by transporting them in a transport vehicleApr 13, 2021
Libel on the Temple Mount: Al-Aqsa Mosque preacher claims terrorist prisoners suffer “medical neglect”Palestinian prisoners “are experiencing a bitter life of medical neglect,” says preacher during Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa MosqueApr 3, 2021
Libel: Israel gives terrorist prisoners the Coronavirus vaccine – the PA warns it may be “using their bodies for experiments”PLO prisoners’ affairs organization distorts Israeli preventative medical care for terrorist prisoners, warning “there is clear concern and worry for the fate of these prisoners”Feb 8, 2021
Libel : Israel is “tormenting and killing Palestinian prisoners with the Coronavirus in a war crime” – official PA daily op-edOfficial PA daily op-ed repeats libel on medical abuse of terrorist prisoners, claims Israeli leaders want “to continue committing war crimes” by deliberately infecting prisoners in an “ideology of terror”Jan 31, 2021
Israel gives vulnerable Palestinian terrorist prisoners covid vaccines. PA “demands” that “A neutral medical committee supervise the prisoners’ vaccination” This demand comes from the PA’s false claim that Israel “has implemented experiments on the bodies of the prisoners throughout the recent decades”Jan 18, 2021
PA libel: Israel is “attempting to assassinate Palestinian prisoners, slowly execute them, and deny them their rights to life and health”Israel’s “deliberate medical neglect” of Palestinian prisoners “constitutes a war crime” falsely claims PA Jan 15, 2021
PA libel: “Israeli Prison Service has worked to turn coronavirus into a tool of abuse against the Palestinian prisoners”“Thirteen new cases of infection with the Coronavirus were recorded among the prisoners in wing 3 of Ketziot Prison. Thus the number of those infected in the wing rises to 44 since last weekend. In total the number of those infected among the prisoners in the occupation’s prison stands at...”Jan 6, 2021
Bethlehem Governor: Israel "responsible for the lives of the prisoners who are suffering from the policy of medical neglect, especially in light of the Coronavirus epidemic""This indicates malicious intent to harm the prisoners."Apr 20, 2020
Palestinian National and Islamic Forces: Israel attempting to transfer Coronavirus to Palestinians, call to protect prisoners"[Israeli "invasions" are ]an attempt to transfer the disease to our people"Apr 16, 2020
PA daily revives libel that former Israeli MP admited that medical experiments were carried out on Palestinian prisoners "This admission proves that the prisoners constitute guinea pigs for Israel"Apr 9, 2020
PA-funded prisoners’ club implies that Israel is trying to let prisoners die of Coronavirus“The Prisoners’ Club warned against the Israeli Prison Service’s foot-dragging in releasing the prisoners whose sentence has ended”Apr 4, 2020
PA-funded Prisoners' Club accuses Israel of policy of "deliberate medical neglect" against Palestinian prisoners"the policy of deliberate medical neglect... constitutes one of the most blatant tools used by the occupation’s [Israeli] Prison Service against the sick prisoners"Apr 3, 2020
Fatah hold Israel responsible for lives of Palestinian prisoners due to Coronavirus"Fatah holds the occupation fully responsible for the prisoners’ lives"Apr 2, 2020
PLO: Israel is not protecting Palestinian prisoners from Coronavirus"The [Israeli] Prison Service is exploiting the current situation of the spread of the Coronavirus in order to escalate the steps of harassment against the prisoners"Mar 27, 2020
Op-ed: Israeli occupation is more dangerous than Coronavirus; Prisoners are on brink of a "holocaust""Through the occupation, settlements, war crimes, and racism, they are more dangerous to humanity than a pandemic"Mar 25, 2020
Israeli jailor depicted as Coronavirus in PA daily cartoonText on cartoon: “The Palestinian prisoners”Mar 23, 2020
PLO official calls on Red Cross, WHO to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners to protect them from Coronavirus"The occupation authorities’ refusal to release the prisoners is a criminal act"Mar 20, 2020
PLO, PA and Red Cross confirm there are no Palestinian prisoners with Coronavirus, Israel is responsible for prisoners’ health"The news items that were disseminated yesterday regarding four prisoners who are sick with the Coronavirus... are not true"Mar 20, 2020
PA demands Israel release Palestinian prisoners to protect them from Coronavirus; financial situation uncertain"The prime minister demanded that the occupation authorities release all of the prisoners"Mar 15, 2020
Fatah: Israel is “torturing” prisoners and exploiting Coronavirus in order to “annihilate” them"He warned against the occupation’s exploitation of the Coronavirus in order to annihilate the Palestinian prisoners, on the pretext that the virus spread and got out of control"Feb 5, 2020
Gaza official lashes out at 'world' in defense of terrorist"Al-Wahidi: The world should be ashamed that Al-Shubaki continues to be a prisoner"Dec 21, 2019
Following imprisoned terrorist's dying of cancer, PA daily editorial accuses Israel of “deliberate medical neglect,” and “a war crime, exactly like the crime of the Nazi Holocaust”"The assassination of prisoners in their prison is nothing but a war crime"Nov 27, 2019